Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Adding Timber, Sheet Materials And Pack Products

You may have the option of adding a Timber, Sheet or Pack product when adding Product lines to a Purchase Order. The procedure is similar to adding a standard product, except there are additional steps to follow. See:

Adding Timber Products

When you add a Timber product to a Purchase Order the Timber Entry window is displayed, in which you must enter the quantities of timber lengths you require:




There are two ways of adding the quantity of timber required:

Note: Use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next, speeding up data entry.  


Note: Entering values into the Quantity or Pieces fields will clear any values entered into the Quantity tallies fields above.


Adding Non-Standard lengths

Industry standard timber measurements increase in increments of 0.30 metres from a minimum of 0.30 metres to a maximum of 8.4 metres. Lengths that are either indivisible by 0.30 metres or are longer than 8.4 metres are considered non-standard lengths.


To add non-standard lengths: click the NSL button to the right of the Timber Entry window. The Add Non Standard Length window opens:




Input the total Length and Quantity of timber lengths required, then click OK.


When you see the 'Non Standard Length - continue?' warning, click Yes to continue.


The new timber length and quantity is added to the Timber Entry window, with the 'non standard' length shown in red.


Hiding Zero Tallies

To hide zero tallies: click the +/- button to the right of the Timber Entry window. This removes all fields with zero quantities from the order.


Once you have finished entering details in the Timber Entry window, click OK. This closes the Timber Entry window and adds your Timber product to the Purchase Order in the specified quantity/tallies.


Timber Products: Line Hyperlinks

Once the Timber product has been added to the Purchase Order, hyperlinks are available from its:

Adding Sheet Material Products

When you add a Sheet product to a Purchase Order the Sheet Entry window is displayed, in which you must enter:

Note: A Sheet product is defined as a Timber product stocked either as sheet pieces or as another unit of measure appropriate to sheet products (e.g. square metres).


When you have finished entering details in the Sheet Entry window, click OK. This closes the Sheet Entry window and adds the Sheet product to the Purchase Order in the specified quantity (i.e. the given number of sheets/area).


Ordering By The Sheet

To order by the sheet: with Sheet selected in the menu below, enter the quantity of sheets required in the Quantity field:




In this example we have entered a quantity of 25 sheets.


On clicking [Tab], the Area field shows the total area covered by this quantity: 74.420m2.


Ordering By Area

To order by area: select the m2 (or 10m2) option in the menu, then enter the total square meterage in the Quantity field:




In this example we have entered a quantity of 30 square metres.


On clicking [Tab], the Sheets field shows the number of sheets required to fulfil the order: 10.078.


Sheet Products: Line Hyperlinks

Once the sheet product has been added to the Purchase Order, hyperlinks are available from its:

Adding Pack Products

When you add a Pack product to a Purchase Order the Timber Entry window is displayed, in which you must enter the quantities of timber lengths you require.


Note: A Pack is a Timber product stocked as a 'pack' comprising two or more timber pieces sold together as a single product. See Pack Maintenance.


The method of adding packs is the same as that described in Adding Timber Products. You will need to enter either tally quantities, or a total Quantity or number of Pieces.


However, once the Purchase Order has been Completed and the Pack goods have been received from the supplier (i.e. a Goods Received Note has been created and confirmed) you will need to organise the products into Packs. See Creating Packs When Goods Are Received.


NEXT: Adding Text, Manual And Special Lines