Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Adding Text, Manual And Special Lines

By default, when a new blank line is created on a Purchase Order (or Goods Received Note or Supplier Return Note) it will automatically be a Product line. However, you may also add a Text, Manual or Special line:

Adding Text Lines

To add a Text Line to an open purchasing document, either:



The Add Text Line... window displays:




Do the following to enter the Text line:


1.      Enter the text into the available fields. Up to 3 lines of 30 characters each may be entered.


2.      To include the text on the printed document, check the Print text on Purchase Order field. Otherwise, leave the field unchecked.


3.      Click Confirm to close the window and add the specified Text Line to the document.


Editing A Text Line

When you add a Text line to a document - see above - the Description is hyperlinked:




To edit a Text line:


1.      Click the Description hyperlink. The Add Text Line... window displays.


2.      Edit Text line details - see Adding Text Lines above - then click Confirm.

Adding Manual Lines

To add a Manual Line to an open purchasing document, either:



The Add Manual Price Line... window displays:




Up to 3 lines of 30 characters each may be entered for the Description of the charge. You will also need to enter the Cost price (i.e. the cost to your company).


Click Confirm to close the window and add the specified Manual Line to your Purchase Order.


Editing A Manual Line

When you add a Manual line to a document - see above - the Product Code and Total are hyperlinked:




Note: The Manual Price Line is allocated to the default Product Group for Manual lines (e.g. 9999), as defined by the System Administrator.


To edit a Manual line:


1.      Click the Product Code or Total hyperlink. The Add Manual Price Line... window displays.


2.      Edit Manual line details - see Adding Manual Lines above - then click Confirm.

Adding Special Lines

To add a Special Line to an open purchasing document, either:



The Add Special Product... window displays:




Adding a Special Product line involves creating a Special Product record. Follow the instructions below.


Creating And Associating The Special Product

The first step is to associate the new Special Product with an existing Product or Product Group.


Begin defining the Special Product by entering/selecting details in the following fields:





Product Source


Select either:

  • Existing Product: Select this option to associate the new Special Product with an existing Product. You must then enter the Product Code in the field to the right. OR:

  • Product Group: Select this option if you wish to associate the new Special Product with a Product Group, rather than an existing Product. You must then select the group Type and the Product Group in the relevant fields.

Product Code


If you selected Existing Product in the Product Source field above, you must now enter the Product Code of the Product you are associating the new Special Product with.


If you know the Product Code, type it into the Product Code field.


If you don't know the Product Code, use the Finder to locate and select it. To do this:


For further details see Finding Products.


Product Group


If you selected Product Group in the Product Source field above, select the Product Group from the menu.



When you have finished, click Select to populate the lower part of the window with the appropriate details.


Note: If you wish to reset the Product Source, click the Reset button.


You may now continue by completing the remaining Special Product fields.


Completing The Remaining Special Product Fields

If you have associated your Special product with an existing product, the relevant fields will be populated automatically - you may amend these as you wish. If you have not associated your Special product with an existing product, you will need to enter details in the available fields as appropriate:




The fields in which you will need to add/edit details are:


When you have finished, click Confirm to close the window and add the specified Special Line to your Purchase Order.


Editing A Special Line

When you add a Special line to a document - see above - the Product Code, Cost Price and Total are hyperlinked:




Note: A 'Buying' Special - a Special product you are buying from a supplier - is also known as an X-code special, as the Product Code is created with an x at the beginning (e.g. x0001000081).


To edit a Special line:


1.      Click the Product Code hyperlink. The Add Special Product Line... window displays.


2.      Edit Special line details - see Adding Special Lines above - then click Confirm.


You may also click the:


When you have entered the Purchase Order line details your next step is to enter the Documentation details (if required).


NEXT: Entering Documentation Details