Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Adding Product Lines To Purchase Orders

After you have completed the header details for the Purchase Order and clicked [Tab] your cursor will be focused on the Product Code field of the first Product line (Line 100), ready for you to enter the products you wish to order from the specified Supplier:




At this point:

Entering Product Line Details

To add a product, on the first available Product line:


1. Enter the Product Code

If you know the Product Code:


If you don't know the Product Code, either:


What If A Window Pops Up When You Add The Product ?


Note: You may add Back Order lines to an open Purchase Order by opening the Back Order Lines Finder (see Finding Back Order Lines) and double-clicking a line in the Finder.


2. Enter The Product's Quantity

Once you have entered a Product Code and clicked [Tab], as described above, the cursor is automatically focused on the Quantity field ready for you to enter a quantity. For example:




Enter the Quantity (e.g. 30) then click [Return].


A new Product line is created, ready for you to add more products:




Note that:


Repeat the procedure above until you have added all required Product lines.


Note: You may also add Text, Manual And Special Lines to the Purchase Order.

Understanding Purchase Order Product Lines

When a line has been added, details are displayed in the following columns:


Note: Certain details are only displayed when a particular Lines View Mode is selected. See Lines View Modes For Purchasing Documents.






Each line is allocated a line number for reference.


Product Code

For Product, Manual and Special lines a hyperlinked code is displayed.


Click the Product Code link to view the Product record (or Manual / Special Product record) in a separate tab. See Viewing A Product Record for details.



For Product, Manual and Special lines, the item's description is displayed. You may edit or overtype this if required.


For Text lines a hyperlinked description is displayed. Click the link to view the Text line record in a separate tab. See Adding Text Lines.


Cost Price

For Product lines the item's Cost Price is displayed here. Click the hyperlink for Discounts View, which allows you to manipulate the product's Buying Terms. See Manipulating Buying Terms And Discounts.



The Product's unit of measure is displayed here.



When you add a line item to a Purchase Order the Quantity automatically defaults to the product's Minimum Bulk Order Quantity value, taken from the Product record - Issues & Stock tab/header. See Issues And Stock Tab: Viewing Product Issues And Stock Details.


You may enter/overtype a different quantity as appropriate. When you use your [Tab] key to move to the next field, the Total line price will be adjusted accordingly.


For Timber products the Quantity is hyperlinked. Click the hyperlink to open the Timber Entry window and view/edit timber quantities. See Adding Timber, Sheet Materials And Pack Products.



The Total price for the line item is displayed here. Click the hyperlink for Pricing View, which allows you to specify discounts. See Manipulating Buying Terms And Discounts.




This field shows the product's size in millimetres (for Timber and Sheet products only). These details are taken from the Size 1 and Size 2 fields in the Timber Details section of the Product record - see Creating Timber, Sheet And Pack Products.



You may optionally enter free text comments against the order line. Comments entered here will then appear on the Goods Received Note line when these goods are being received into stock.


Supplier Part No

If a Supplier Part Number record has been set up, the part number used by the supplier for this product is displayed here.


Note: Supplier Part Number Maintenance is used to record the Supplier Part No (i.e. the number reference the supplier uses) on the Product record. You can check whether a Supplier Part Number has been recorded for the product by reviewing the Product record. This can be accessed by clicking the Product Code hyperlink.

Ack Ref

If you specified an Acknowledgement Ref(erence) in the header it will be displayed here.


If you wish, you may specify a different Acknowledgement Reference for each line simply by entering/overwriting the reference on the line.


Batch Inspection / Inspection Reason


These fields may be used to flag the goods so that they will automatically be held for inspection when they are received into stock. See Flagging Goods For Inspection below.


Use Raw Mtl


This check box field is available only when you have entered a Product line which requires a Works Order to generate free stock (i.e. an existing Works Order Process is referenced in the Works Order Code field of its Product record - see Recording General Product Details).


If Use Raw Mtl is:

  • checked: you will be supplying the 'input' products to be processed. On Purchase Order Completion a Works Order is generated, prompting a 'Works Order' Picking Note and then a 'Works Order' Despatch Note for picking (and despatch, if required) of the raw materials/components.

  • unchecked: you will not be supplying the 'input' products to be processed and will order the 'finished' product from the Supplier as a standard product. Hence, no Works Order is generated on Purchase Order Completion.

The default setting of the Use Raw Mtl check box, and whether or not the Use Raw Material Product? prompt displays when entering a Product line which uses a Works Order to generate free stock, may be specified in the Product record. For further details see:

Progress Note


Click the Add hyperlink to add a Progress Note for this Purchase Order line. See Adding Progress Notes.


A hyperlinked date and time display when a Progress Note has been added - click this to view/edit/delete Progress Notes for this Purchase Order line. See Viewing, Editing And Deleting Progress Notes.


Note: For further details see Progress Notes.

User Defined Fields


Click the View hyperlink to display User Defined fields defined for Purchase Order lines and:

for this Purchase Order line.


Note: For further details see User Defined Data Maintenance.

Delivered / Outstanding


The quantity of units which have been delivered/received into stock (Delivered) / have not yet been delivered/received into stock (Outstanding).


Note: This information displays in the 'Outstanding Lines View' Lines View Mode only.



The quantity of units which have been Purchase Invoiced.


Note: This information displays in the 'Stock View' Lines View Mode only.

Expected Date / Expected Target / Ship Date / Ship Target


The Expected Date, Expected Target, Ship Date and Ship Target fields may be amended based on discussions and agreements with the Supplier/shipping company about when this line will be shipped and/or delivered. These date fields - also available in the Purchase Order header - may be used to monitor the performance of the Supplier/shipping company in fulfilling orders, showing discrepancies between actual and target delivered/ship dates. Progress Notes can also be used to record the details of communications between you and the Supplier/shipping company and reasons why dates have been amended. For further details see Reviewing Purchase Order Progress And Supplier Delivery/Shipping Targets.


Note: This information displays in the 'Date View' Lines View Mode only. The Expected Target, Ship Date and Ship Target fields display only if the following fields in the Price Book Flags > Miscellaneous control record are enabled: Enable Target Dates enables display of the 'Target' date fields; Enable Shipment Dates enables display of the 'Ship' date fields.


A running total for the Purchase Order appears below the line details, showing the cumulative total price for the Purchase Order.

Flagging Goods For Inspection

The link in the Batch Inspection column can be used to flag a Purchase Order line so that the goods will automatically be held for inspection when they are received into stock. This option is useful if you wish to check the received goods before they are booked in; e.g. that the correct goods were sent, that the quality is suitable, or that the price is correct.


To flag a Purchase Order line for inspection:


1.      Click the Batch Inspection link on the Purchase Order line:




Note: The Batch Inspection field applies only to products flagged for 'batch traceability' via the Batch Reference or Serial Numbering methods. See Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.


The Batch Inspection Reason window displays:




2.      Select one of the following options from the Batch Inspection Flag menu:


3.      Do the following, depending on the chosen Batch Inspection Reason. If you selected:

Note: The 'reason codes' available in the Inspection Reason menu are set up and maintained in the Batch Inspection Codes (BHLD) Table File - see Table File Maintenance.


4.      Click OK. The Batch Inspection Reason window closes. The chosen Batch Inspection Flag and Inspection Reason options display on the Purchase Order line:





To edit the line's Batch Inspection Flag or Inspection Reason setting:


What Happens When Stock Marked For Inspection Is Booked In?

When goods are booked into stock on a Goods Received Note, the Inspection Reason will already be selected if the stock was flagged for Automatic inspection. If the stock was flagged for Manual inspection, the user will be required to manually enter the Inspection Reason. See Making GRN Batch Allocations Manually.


Any batch or serial number which has been flagged for inspection cannot be sold until its status has been updated to 'Available'. See Editing A Product Inventory Record.

Purchase Order Warning Messages

When you add a product line to a Purchase Order one of the following warning messages may display on the line:

Note: Suppliers - main and alternative - are defined in the Buying Details tab of the Product record.

Adding Text, Manual And Special Lines

By default, any new line created on a Purchase Order will be a Product line. However, you may wish to add a Text, Manual or Special line.


For details see Adding Text, Manual And Special Lines.  The procedure is slightly different to adding standard Product lines.

Additional Options

At the line entry stage you may wish to:


For a list of additional useful procedures at the line-adding stage see Useful Purchase Order Procedures.

When You Have Finished Adding Lines

Once you have finished adding lines you will need to:


Note: To review the full purchasing procedure see the Purchasing Overview.


NEXT: Lines View Modes For Purchasing Documents