Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Purchase Invoice Registration And Matching

Purchase Invoice registration and matching is a two-part procedure, involving:

What Types Of Purchase Invoice Can You Register/Match?

When you enter header details on the Purchase Invoice Registration record you will need to select one of the following options in the Type field:

Purchase Invoice Registration And Matching: Basic Procedure

The full Purchase Invoice registration and matching procedure is as follows:


Purchase Invoice Registration

When you receive an invoice from a supplier you will need to:

Note: The Totals Do Not Match! warning will display at this point if you were invoiced for more or less than the 'expected' amount. To reconcile this you have the option of registering a buying gain or adding a document - see Dealing With Buying Differences - or you may ignore the warning and proceed to the matching stage.


Purchase Invoice Matching

On retrieving the Registered Purchase Invoice from the Finder and/or clicking Continue on the open document to begin the matching phase, you must:

Note: The matching procedure might uncover a 'buying difference'; i.e. a discrepancy between what you received and what you expected to pay for one or more recalled lines. In order to complete/pass the record you may register a buying difference on individual lines or register a buying loss. See Dealing With Buying Differences.

Finding Purchase Invoice Registration Records

As with other document types in Quantum VS, you may retrieve Purchase Invoice Registration records using the Finder should you wish to view or amend them. There are two types of Purchase Invoice Registration record available in the Finder:


This section covers:


NEXT: Creating A New Purchase Invoice Registration Record