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Printing Labels On Picking Note Confirmation

After Confirming a Picking Note, the Labels tab displays in the Picking Note Confirmation window if your Branch has been configured for label printing:


Note: This option is enabled by checking the Picking Note Labels field and also selecting the 'Manual' option in the Picking Note Address Labels and/or Picking Note Product Labels fields, in the Labels tab of the Branch record. See Adding Branch Label Settings. For an overview of label printing, including details of setting up label printing in Quantum VS, see Label Printing.




You may choose to print:

Note: Default settings are set up in the Labels tab of the Branch record. See Adding Branch Label Settings. You may manually override thee settings as described below.


When you have finished printing labels, or if you do not wish to print labels: click Close Labels to close the window and continue. See After The Picking Note Has Been Confirmed.

Printing Address And Product Labels

To print Address and/or Product labels:


1.      Ensure the Print Address Labels field is selected for Address Labels and/or Product Labels as required.


2.      Edit default settings in the following fields as required:





From / To Line No

(* Product labels only)


These fields (relevant to printing Product labels) give the option to filter by (i.e. only print labels for) specific lines on the Picking Note. To do this, check the From Line No and/or To Line No fields as required and enter the line number in the field(s) to the right.


Examples: (1) To print labels only for Picking Note lines 3 to 6, check the From and/or To Line No fields and enter the line numbers 3 and 6 in the fields to the right. (2) To print labels only for the first 4 lines on the selected Picking Note, leave the From Line No field unchecked, then check the To Line No field and enter 4 in the field to the right.


Label Per Item / Label Per Batch Bin / Label Per Line


You may either:

  • Check Label Per Item to print one Address/Product label for each individual item on each Picking Note line; or

  • Uncheck Label Per Item to print one Address/Product label per Batch/Bin allocation on each Picking Note line; or

  • Uncheck Label Per Item and Label Per Batch Bin to print one Address/Product label per Picking Note line.


For example: you are printing labels for one Picking Note which has two lines. Line 1 is 10 refrigerators (picked from 3 batches or bins) and line 2 is 3 washing machines (all from the same batch/bin).

  • With Label Per Item Checked: 13 labels will be printed - one for each item on each line.

  • With Label Per Batch Bin (and Label Per Line) Checked: 4 labels will be printed - one for each Batch/Bin and line.

  • Label Per Line Checked only: 2 labels will be printed - one for each line.


Override Default Code


If required, you may override the Label Type to be used by selecting an option from the menu (i.e. make all product labels to be printed use this Label Type).


If you select (None), the system will use the Label Type associated with each selected product.


Note: (1) Default Label types for Picking Notes and Picking Note lines are defined for each Branch via the Branch record > Labels tab. The Default Picking Header Label field defines the default Label type used when printing Picking Header/Address labels. The Default Picking Line Label defines the default Label type used when printing Picking Line labels. See Adding Branch Label Settings. (2) The Label Types (i.e. Label Description and Code) available in this menu are set up in Label Maintenance. See Creating A New Label Record.


3.      Click Check Address Labels and/or Check Product Labels as required. Default settings for the selected label type (see Override Default Code above) are displayed, which you may amend as required. For example:




The fields displayed - and options available - are as follows:


Note: In the above example, the system has selected only one Label Type - A - for the Picking Note range we have selected to print labels for. Potentially multiple Label Types may be displayed, although the available options for each Label Type are the same.





Original Code


The Label Type selected to be printed (based on the entered criteria).


In the example above, all 16 of the Picking Notes/lines selected for label printing are associated with the Label Type 'A'.


Selected Quantity


The quantity of this Label Type selected to be printed (based on the entered criteria).


In the example above, 16 labels are due to be printed of the Label Type 'A'.


Label Code


The current selected Label Type to be printed (showing Label Code and Description).


This is initially the same as the Original Code. However, you may assign a different Label Type by selecting an option from the menu.


In the example above, all 16 of the Picking Notes/lines selected for label printing are associated with the Label Type 'A'. If you decided you would prefer to use the Label Type 'B' instead of 'A', you would select this option from the menu.




The default Printer to be used for this Label Type, as defined in the Label record.


You may select an alternative from the menu as necessary.




The number of copies of this Label Type to be printed. This defaults to 1, but you may select an alternative.


For example, if you required 2 of each label you would alter the number of Copies to 2.


Note: Setting the Copies quantity to zero means that none of this Label Type will be printed.

'Legend' Fields


Up to five 'Legend' fields may be displayed. These are User-definable and specified in the Label record for each Label Type.


For each 'Legend' field displayed, you may enter a value which will be printed on the label.


For example, if this Label Type had the 'Legend' field 'Warehouse Name', you might enter the name of the warehouse in the available field. This would then be printed on each label for this Label Type.



The Total number of labels to be printed displays at the bottom of the Print Labels window.


If Picking Notes/lines have not been associated with a Label Type

If Picking Notes/lines selected for label printing have not been associated with a default Label Type they are listed in the Print Labels window with the Original Code (None) and the Print option is disabled.


To enable printing of these labels you will need to assign the Label Code and Printer to be used:




Alternatively you may disable printing by amending the number of Copies to zero.


Another option is to go back and associate Default Label types for Picking Notes and Despatch Note lines for each Branch via the Branch record > Labels tab (in the Default Picking Header Label and Default Picking Line Label fields - See Adding Branch Label Settings) then resume Picking Note Label Printing with the same criteria as before.


4.      When you have finished, click Print (or Cancel, to Cancel printing). The specified label(s) will be printed using the specified printer(s).


Note: The Print Picking Note Labels Process may also be used to print Picking Note labels.


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