Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Delivery Assembly

Delivery Assembly is a procedure enabling the user to manually 'add to a delivery' goods which have been picked for a Sales Order.


This feature is useful when dealing with large orders when many lines are back ordered and end up being received into stock at different times, resulting in the Sales Order having multiple Picking Notes. As order lines are picked, and each Picking Note is Confirmed, they can be manually added to a delivery in the Delivery Assembly tab. This minimises the number of Despatch Notes - and hence Sales Invoices - generated from the Sales Order.


To enable this feature see Enabling Delivery Assembly.


Note: For many Users this procedure will be automated (i.e. manual Delivery Assembly is not enabled), meaning after Picking Note Confirmation the Despatch Assembly stage is bypassed and the order/line will progress straight to Despatch Note Print, then Despatch Note Confirmation, after which Sales Invoicing may take place.


To assemble a delivery see Assembling A Delivery For A Sales Order.


Example: Benefits Of Using Manual Delivery Assembly

Consider a Sales Order with 3 Product lines, generating multiple Picking Notes.


This scenario might occur (subject to system settings - see Enabling Delivery Assembly) when order goods are picked in the warehouse at different times. For example:

Note: The above is a simplified example. Potentially part of an order line's quantity could be picked on different occasions, which would generate even more Picking Notes.


Our Sales Order now has 3 Confirmed Picking Notes.


At this point we decide to deliver the goods picked for this Sales Order. What is the advantage of enabling manual Delivery Assembly?


So the advantage of manual Delivery Assembly is that you can collate picked order lines onto a single Despatch Note, based on which lines you wish to be delivered. This potentially reduces the number of Despatch Notes and Sales Invoices generated from an order.


Although this example is of a simple three-line Sales Order, manual Delivery Assembly is particularly useful with large orders where lines are back ordered and received into stock at different times. Note that when using manual Delivery Assembly:

For example, you might have a Sales Order with 12 lines, 9 of which have been picked, and then assemble 7 of the picked lines for a delivery.

Enabling Delivery Assembly

Certain features in Quantum VS must be configured to enable Delivery Assembly:


User Flags

The Order Flags fields in your User Record > Quantum User Fields tab must be set as follows (for Collect Now and/or Delivered orders):

Note: If Automated Assemble Delivery is checked (i.e. selected) for Collect Now and/or Delivered orders, the Delivery Assembly procedure is automated. Therefore, after Picking Note Confirmation the Despatch Assembly stage is bypassed and the order/line will progress straight to Despatch Note Print, then Despatch Note Confirmation, after which Sales Invoicing may take place.


These flags are set by the System Administrator in User Maintenance. See Entering Quantum User Fields Details.


Optional Enhancements

The Optional Enhancement Price Book 285 (Confirm Picking: Automatic Release Of Back Orders) must be switched ON. This automatically releases back order lines after a Picking Note has been Confirmed, for Sales Orders containing one or more back order lines.


Although not mandatory, the Optional Enhancement Price Book 284 (Confirm Picking: Manual Release of Back Orders) may also be enabled so that the 'Release Back Orders Y/N' prompt displays after a Picking Note has been completely Confirmed, when the associated Sales Order contains one or more back order lines. This gives the User the option of whether to manually release the back ordered line when it has been Confirmed as Picked.


See Optional Enhancements.


User Permissions Relevant To Delivery Assembly

The following User Permissions may be used to enable (or disable) features relating to Delivery Assembly:


Sales Desk > Delivery Assembly >


Enabling User Permissions:

User Permissions are enabled or disabled for a User via the Role they have been assigned - see Creating Roles.


User Permissions may be switched on or off for the current session only by selecting Tools > User Permissions from the Toolbar - Main Menu to display the Edit User Session Permissions Window (requires supervisor permissions). Check the boxes to allow permissions to the relevant application functions, then click OK. The procedure is similar to that used when Creating Roles.


Note: Newly-created User Permissions are typically not set for a User when upgrading to a new release of Quantum VS.

Assembling A Delivery For A Sales Order

To assemble a delivery for an order; i.e. consolidate multiple Picked lines for a Sales Order onto a single delivery:


Note: This section assumes you have all relevant settings enabled. See Enabling Delivery Assembly.


1.      Note the number of the Sales Order for which you wish to assemble picked lines for delivery.


Note: This should be a Sales Order containing one or more Picking Notes with a status of 'Picked', where the line has not progressed to the Despatch stage of the Sales Order Processing cycle. For further details on finding/listing Sales Orders see Finding Sales Orders.


2.      Do one of the following:


Use The Home Tab:

From the Home tab, under update, select Delivery Assembly.


OR: Use The Mega Menu

From the Mega Menu, in Warehouse under update, select Delivery Assembly.


The Delivery Assembly tab displays:




3.      The Branch field defaults to your home Branch. If the delivery is being assembled at a different branch, select it in the Branch field.


4.      Enter the Sales Order number in the available field, then click [Tab] to retrieve Picking Note details:




The upper section of the Delivery Assembly tab shows Branch, Sales Order and Customer details.


The lower section displays Picking Notes for the entered Sales Order which may be assembled for delivery. The weight and number of lines - as defined on the Picking Note - are displayed.


5.      Use the Include fields to select/deselect lines to include in the delivery.


Note that:

Note: Click the Picking Note hyperlink if you wish to view the associated Picking Note.


6.      To confirm selected lines for delivery, click Confirm on the toolbar (as displayed above).


Note: To cancel manual Delivery Assembly click Cancel on the toolbar.


7.      The Delivery Assembly Confirmation window displays:




The Delivery Assembly Confirmation window has the following fields. Values are taken from the Picking Notes assembled for delivery, but you may amend these as required:


Entering/Amending Carrier Details

The Carrier-related fields (if displayed - see Configuring Your System For Carrier Maintenance) display options for selecting or amending the Carrier (i.e. the company providing delivery of the ordered goods) and Carrier Service Level (i.e. the service provided; e.g. next-day delivery). Any Carrier-related details entered may be amended at the Delivery Assembly stage. The procedure is the same as when selecting/amending Carrier details on Sales Order Completion - see Adding Carriage / Premium Delivery Charges / Carrier Requirements (step 2).


Additional Carrier-related fields available at this stage include:


Entering Packing Details

The Packing Details fields - if displayed - display a list of packaging methods (e.g. pallets; boxes; cartons). These menu values must first be set up in the Picking Descriptions (PICK) table file using Table File Maintenance.


You have the option to enter quantities picked for each packaging method (e.g. 2 pallets, 3 boxes, 5 cartons picked).


Entering Haulage Details

If you are using a third party haulage company you may add haulage details to the Despatch Note by adding (optional) details as follows:

Note: Display of the Haulage fields is controlled by the following Optional Enhancements: Price Book 440 (Enhanced Streamlined Delivery Confirmation) and  Price Book 356 (Streamlined Delivery Confirmation).


8.      To Confirm the Delivery Assembly, click OK in the Delivery Assembly Confirmation window.


All of the selected Picking Notes will be collated onto one Despatch Note. The assembled/packed goods may now be delivered.


Order Processing After Delivery Assembly Confirmation

Following Delivery Assembly Confirmation the order will proceed through the Sales Order Processing cycle as defined by the flags in your User Record > Quantum User Fields tab for Collect Now and/or Delivered orders.


Note: These flags are set by the System Administrator in User Maintenance. See Entering Quantum User Fields Details.


The next step after Delivery Assembly Confirmation is Despatch Note Print, then Despatch Note Confirmation, after which Sales Invoicing may take place. See Working With Despatch Notes.


Assembling Further Deliveries For A Sales Order

If there are still Sales Order lines which have not been picked/despatched, when additional order lines are picked you may follow the procedure above to assemble them for delivery. This will generate additional Despatch Notes and potentially additional Sales Invoices from this Sales Order.


NEXT: Working With Despatch Notes