Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Special Lines And Sales Documents

Special lines are used for entering Product lines not listed on your database, where you are effectively creating a Product record 'on the fly'. This may happen if the Product has no standard Supplier, has no Product code, is only available for a short period, is not normally stocked or sold by the Branch, or has been ordered by the Branch for the Customer as a one-off. See:

Note: This assumes you have already entered header details and clicked [Tab] to display/activate the lines section of the sales document.

Adding A Special Line To A Sales Document

To add a Special Line to an open sales document, either:

Note: Alternatively, click Shift + [F8] to add a 'dump code' Special line (i.e. where there is no defined Supplier). See Dump Code: If There Is No Supplier.



The Add Special Product... window displays:




Adding a Special Product line involves creating a Special Product record. The basic procedure for adding a Special Product line involves:


After entering/amending details in the available fields you must click Confirm to close the window, create the Special Product record and add the Special line to your sales document.


Note: The Purchase Order Management dialogue may display on Completion if the Sales Order contains one or more Special Products (and/or if Back-To-Back Purchase Ordering has been enabled). Click Manage Now to manually allocate the Sales Order lines to a new or existing Purchase Order now using the Back Order Manager. Alternatively, click Ignore if you do not immediately wish to allocate the lines to a Purchase Order (they may be allocated later via the Back Order Manager). For further details see Special Products: Sales Order Confirmation, Purchase Ordering And Goods Receipt.

Editing A Special Line On A Sales Document

When you add a Special line to a sales document - see above - the Product Code (e.g. z9900000308) is hyperlinked:




Note: A 'Selling' Special - a Special product you are selling - is also known as a Z-code special, as the Product Code is created with a z at the beginning.


To edit a Special line:


1.      Click the Product Code hyperlink. The Add Special Product... window displays. See Completing The Remaining Special Product Fields.


2.      Edit Special line details as described above, then click Confirm.


NEXT: Creating And Associating The Special Product