Quantum VS Help: Credit Control And Reviews

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Credit Reviews Overview

What Is A Credit Review?

A Credit Review is a routine, like a simple computer program, which can be set up to deal with repetitive Credit Control procedures, such as:


Instead of dealing with each customer account separately, these procedures can be dealt with in bulk by running an appropriate Credit Review.


To see some simple examples of Credit Review Rulesets you may wish to create and customise, see Simple Credit Review Ruleset Examples.


What Are The Key Elements Of A Credit Review Ruleset?

A Credit Review is essentially a routine known as a Credit Review Ruleset, comprising the following elements:


Credit Review Rulesets are typically very simple, comprising just one or two Rules or Actions, but you have the potential to create more complex Rulesets to suit your operations. The following Ruleset elements are not obligatory, but are useful when creating more complex Rulesets:


See Creating A Credit Review Ruleset.


What Actions Can Be Carried Out Within A Credit Review Ruleset?

The key Actions which can be applied are:


There are further Actions available which relate to the operation of Rules and Sections within a Ruleset. For a full list of Actions and what they are used for see the List Of Available Credit Review Actions.


How Do I Set Up A New Credit Review?

To set up a new Credit Review you will need to:


1.      Plan your Credit Review Ruleset. A Credit Review Ruleset can potentially be extremely simple or extremely complex, depending on the number of rules and actions that are included. A new Ruleset should be planned out on paper first using flow diagrams, and then tested thoroughly before being carried out for real.


2.      Create and define your Credit Control letter(s). If the Credit Review will include the action 'Send Letter' you will need to create one or more letter templates for use in certain circumstances (e.g. informing a customer that their account payments are overdue). You may use PDF templates or create Mail Merge templates in Word. See Defining Credit Review Letters.


3.      Create the new Credit Review Ruleset. This involves:

See Creating A Credit Review Ruleset.


4.      Test run the Credit Review. It is vital that each time you create a new Credit Review, or edit an existing one, you test that Credit Review and the Credit Review Actions it contains, to ensure that the desired results are produced.


5.      Run the Credit Review. You may now run the saved Credit Review 'for real' whenever necessary. See below.


How Do I Run A Credit Review?

Once a Credit Review Ruleset has been created, you can run it by:


When the Credit Review has finished running you will need to:


See Running A Credit Review.


When A Credit Review Is Run, Are Actions For All Qualifying Customers Submitted Automatically?

No. When you run a Credit Review (see Running A Credit Review), a list of qualifying customers for an Action (i.e. Status Change, Telephone, Send Letter) is produced. See Reviewing Credit Review Actions.


You may then review the customer list and select (or deselect) customers against whom you wish to submit the Action. You may easily select all, none or selected individual customers. When you then Submit Actions, only the selected customers will be included/updated in the Credit Review. See Submitting Credit Review Actions.


You also have the option to defer the submission of Actions for all or selected customers; that is, submit Actions for some customers now, then submit Actions for other customers later within the same Credit Review. See Deferring Credit Review Actions.


How Do I Open A Saved Credit Review Ruleset?

You may use the Finder to open a saved Credit Review Ruleset, either to run it or edit it. See Finding Credit Review Rulesets.


You may also use the Finder to retrieve Credit Review Actions on an open Credit Review if you have completed some - but not all - of the Actions. See Finding Credit Review Actions.


How Do I Create A Credit Review Letter?

If you wish to use a Credit Review to issue bulk Credit Control letters to customers, you must first create the template document with the required wording. For example, you might create a letter to issue to customers whose account payments are overdue.


One option is to set up a PDF template document. Alternatively you may create a Mail Merge template document in Microsoft Word. This template document will then be saved to the shared server used by Quantum VS to make it available for use in Credit Reviews. The template document must be selected when defining a 'Send Letter' Action with a Credit Review Ruleset. See Defining Credit Review Letters.


Subsequently you will run the Credit Review so that you have a list of selected customers. On clicking Submit Actions, individual letters are automatically generated for each customer, populated with information from the Quantum VS Customer record. These letters can then be printed and/or emailed as necessary. See Running A Credit Review.


Can I See An Example Of A Simple Credit Review Ruleset?

To see some simple examples of Credit Review Rulesets you may wish to create and customise, see Simple Credit Review Ruleset Examples.


NEXT: Creating A Credit Review Ruleset