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Aggregation Product Maintenance

Aggregation Product Maintenance allows System Administrators to group together two or more related products for the purposes of applying an aggregation discount across that group of products.


This section covers:

How Does Product Aggregation Work?

The best way to explain aggregation is with an example. Imagine you sell the following products: red cups, green cups and blue cups. For each of these products you offer a Quantity Break discount if ten or more are purchased. Therefore, to qualify for the discount the customer must buy ten red cups OR ten green cups OR ten blue cups.


You may wish to offer the customer a discount if they buy ten or more of any combination of red, green and blue cups. This can be achieved by grouping red cups, green cups and blue cups together into an Aggregation Group. You may then apply the Quantity Break discount to the whole group, which would override any Quantity Break discount set up against the individual product record. This is sometimes called 'aggregated quantity discounting'.


When a customer makes a purchase that qualifies for an aggregation discount, the Sales Order will indicate that the order has been re-priced for aggregation.

How Do You Create An Aggregation Group?

Each group of Aggregation products you wish to create must be defined in an Aggregation Product record. Each product forming part of an Aggregation Group (e.g. red cups, green cups and blue cups, using the above example) will share the same Aggregation Code.


To use Aggregation you will need to ensure that various conditions are met. See Before Creating Aggregation Groups below.


Creating an Aggregation Product record (i.e. defining a group of products for Aggregation) is a two-part procedure. First you must give the Aggregation group a Product Code. (This does not replace the Product Code, but defines the products as part of the same Aggregation group.) Then you must define the discounts and other details which will apply across the Aggregation group. See Creating A New Aggregation Product Record.


As well as creating a new group for Aggregation, you may use Aggregation Product Maintenance to amend and delete existing Aggregation products. You may also wish to use the Finder to locate and open Aggregation Product records.

Before Creating Aggregation Groups

To use Aggregation you will need to ensure that the following conditions are met:


1.      Aggregate Code values - i.e. a code representing each Aggregation Product/Group - must be set up in the Table File AGG using Table File Maintenance.


2.      For each product that will form part of an Aggregation Product/Group, you must specify the Aggregation Product/Group it will belong to. This is defined in the Product record, in the Aggregate Code field in the Main tab/header. See Creating A New Product Record.


3.      For each product that will form part of an Aggregation Product/Group, Price Band Linking must not be active; i.e. in the Product record, in the Quantity Breaks tab/header, the Price Bands Linked field must be unchecked. See Creating Quantity Breaks.


4.      In the Discount Matrix, in order to enable Aggregation for the selected Customer Class/Price Group combination:

For further details see Discount Matrix Maintenance.


5.      In order for a customer to be eligible for an Aggregation Discount, the Aggregation Discount field must be checked in the Customer Record.


Note: Although not strictly necessary, it is recommended that each product to be included in an Aggregation Product/Group should have the same Quantity Break table structure. This is defined in the Product record, in the Quantity Breaks tab/header. See Creating Quantity Breaks.


NEXT: Viewing An Aggregation Product Record