Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Customer Maintenance

This section deals with Customer Maintenance, of which there are many aspects, as described below. Click the links for details:


Viewing A Customer Record

Customer details are stored in saved customer records. When you open an existing saved customer record you may view (and, in many cases, add) information in the following tabs/headers:

Note: You may need to use the Customise feature to show or hide certain tabs in the Customer record, or change the display order. See Customising Records.


The following additional tabs may be available on the Toolbar - Sub Menu:


Creating A New Customer Record

Creating a customer record involves opening a new blank customer record, entering the customer's General Details, and then saving the record.


Once the customer record has been created and saved, the system will then reference various details stored against the Customer record when, for example, creating sales documents, generating prices, processing credit details and more.


Editing A Customer Record

Click for details on editing an existing customer record.


Deleting A Customer Record

Click for details on deleting an existing customer record.


Default Customer Record Maintenance

System Administrators may configure the default customer record so that a new customer record will open with certain predefined field settings/entries, saving time and effort.


Customer Site Maintenance

Customer Site records allow you to create separate records and delivery addresses for customers which have multiple sites.


Customer Part Number Maintenance

Customer Part Number Maintenance records allow you to cross reference your reference code/name for a product with the code/name the customer uses for the same product.


NEXT: Viewing A Customer Record