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Enquiries/Quotes/Contracts Report

The Enquiries/Quotes/Contracts report lists new and/or lapsed Sales Enquiries, Quotes or Sales Contracts. With Quotes and Sales Enquiries there is the additional option to get a breakdown on Quotes or Sales Enquiries which have been converted.


There is the option to report on specific date ranges (date entered and/or lapse date), with the additional option to focus on a range of Customer accounts, Branches, Sales Reps and/or Staff members.


To run the Enquiries/Quotes/Contracts report:


1.      Either:


The Reports record opens in a new tab, listing all Reports by Name and Category.


2.      Use your mouse or [Tab] key to select the Enquiries/Quotes/Contracts report:




3.      Select report options in the available fields as required, using the following as a guide:


Note: You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


Definition (* = mandatory field)


Type *


Select whether to report on Quotes, (Sales) Contracts or (Sales) Enquiries.


From / To



Use the From and/or To date fields to specify the Quotes, Sales Contracts or Sales Enquiries to be included in the report, based on their 'entered date'.


The default option is today's date. Select/enter an alternative date range if necessary. The To date must be later than the From date.


From Account / To Account


If necessary you may limit the report to a certain range of customer accounts by entering the first and last customer account in the sequence here.


If you don't know the Customer Account Code you may enter it automatically using the Finder. To do this:


  • place your cursor in the From/To field;

  • click [F3] to make Customers active in the Finder;

  • in the Finder, locate the customer you wish to add (see Finding Customers); then

  • double-click on the customer line in the Finder to add the Customer Account Code.


Note: The Customer Account Code is made up of a unique series of letters and numbers assigned to the customer. They start with two characters, followed by up to seven numbers; e.g. WE/0001234. Zeros are permitted.

Branch *


By default, the report will show Quotes, Sales Contracts or Sales Enquiries for all branches. To run the report on a particular branch, select it from the list.


Note: Branch menu options are held in the table file B and must be defined using Branch Maintenance.

Sales Rep *


By default, the report will show Quotes, Sales Contracts or Sales Enquiries for all Sales Reps. To run the report on a particular rep, select them from the list.


Note: The sales rep is assigned to the customer via the Customer record. Rep menu options are held in the table file REP and must be defined using Table File Maintenance.

Staff Number *


By default, the report will show Quotes, Sales Contracts or Sales Enquiries entered by all staff members. To run the report on a particular staff member, select them from the list.


Note: Staff numbers are held in the STAF table file (Staff Numbers and Names) and must be defined using Table File Maintenance.

From / To Lapse Date


Use the From and/or To Lapse Date fields to specify the Quotes, Sales Contracts or Sales Enquiries to be included in the report, based on their 'lapse date'.


The default option is today's date. Select/enter an alternative date range if necessary. The To Lapse Date must be later than the From Lapse Date.


Include Outstanding Documents


Check this field to include outstanding Quotes/Sales Enquiries in the report (available for Quotes/Sales Enquiries only).


Include Converted Documents


Check this field to include converted Quotes/Sales Enquiries in the report (available for Quotes/Sales Enquiries only).


Conversion Summary Only


Check this field if you wish to produce a conversion summary report only (available for Quotes/Sales Enquiries only).


Print One Page Per Customer


Check this field if you require the report to begin a new printed page for each customer. Leave this field unchecked to print the report on the shortest possible number of pages.



4.      Click Start on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to begin running the report.


5.      When the report has finished running, a Status message will be shown listing a URL at which the report can be viewed and printed or emailed if necessary.


Note: You may use Print Groups to view, print or email the report at a later date. See Viewing, Printing And Emailing Documents.


Click OK to close this message. You may now close the Reports tab if you wish.


NEXT: Extended Till Analysis Report