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Example: Selecting And Printing A Certificate Of Conformity For A Sales Order

There is the option in Quantum VS to print a Certificate of Conformity automatically when an order's Despatch Note is printed. The document may be sent to a printer, and perhaps then posted to a customer; alternatively it might be sent directly to the customer by email, fax or via the Quantum VS XML Highway.


Note: To set up Certificate Of Conformity printing, certain settings must be configured. See Setting Up Certificate Of Conformity Printing.


To select and print a Certificate Of Conformity for a Sales Order:


1.      Create a new Sales Order and enter header details for the Customer/Customer Site. See Working With Sales Orders.


2.      The Cert Of Conformity field displays the default Certificate Of Conformity defined for this Customer/Customer Site (see note). You may either accept the default, or select an alternative for the current order:




Notes: (1) A default Certificate Of Conformity for any Customer or Customer Site may be set up using the Default Conformity Certificate option within the Customer or Customer Site record. See Entering Customer General Details and Creating A New Customer Site Record. (2) A warning displays if the Customer/Customer Site is changed for the current order and the Customer/Customer Site's default Certificate Of Conformity differs from the selected Certificate Of Conformity. (3) For each Certificate Of Conformity you intend to print (i.e. each option available in the Cert Of Conformity drop-down) you will need to create and save a Certificate Of Conformity record. See Creating A Certificate Of Conformity Record.


3.      Enter line details, review order details and Complete the Sales Order. See Working With Sales Orders.


The order will now proceed through the Sales Order Processing (SOP) cycle.


Note: How far an order progresses automatically through the Sales Order Processing (SOP) cycle after Completion is based on (1) settings in your User record (Quantum User Fields tab) and (2) what the Sales Clerk has selected in the SOP Document Type field in the Sales Order header. For further details see Picking, Delivery and Invoicing.


4.      When you Print the Despatch Note, the Certificate Of Conformity selected for this order and Customer/Customer Site is printed automatically. See Printing A Despatch Note Manually.


Your default print options are used - see Setting Up Certificate Of Conformity Printing. If necessary you may use the Reprint option to reprint a Certificate Of Confirmity - perhaps to an alternative print destination. See Reprinting A Despatch Note.


5.      The order will continue to proceed through the Sales Order Processing (SOP) cycle as standard.


NEXT: Viewing A Certificate Of Conformity Record