Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Entering Sales Order Header Details

After creating a new Sales Order you must enter details in the header section to specify the customer and other details relating to the sale.


Use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next. See Completing The Sales Order Header Fields for a guide to entering details in the various fields.



When you enter the customer, one or more of the following windows may appear, requiring you to take action - Credit Warning; Customer Notes; Quotes And Contracts Window. See Working With Pop-Up Customer Windows.


When you enter a Customer within the header of a sales document, the Deliver To and Post Code fields are populated automatically with the Customer's main site address. If you do not wish to accept this you may:


Payment Type and Delivery Type are two important header fields, as these specify the type of sale. For example: is it a Cash sale or a credit Account sale? Will the Customer be taking the goods with them now or later? Will the Customer be paying cash in full now, will they be paying a deposit, or will they pay Cash On Delivery (COD)? Is delivery required? Is it a Direct sale? Slightly different procedures are involved after completion, depending on the type of sale. See Defining The Sale Type (Payment/Delivery Type) for details.


If it is a Direct sale (a sale in which goods are delivered to the Customer direct from the Supplier) an additional tab - Supplier - is shown, in which you must enter details. For further details see Creating And Completing A Direct Sales Order.


You may optionally use the Route/Round field to select a Route Round delivery for this order and Customer/Customer Site. See Selecting A Route Round.


Note: To review the full Sales Order procedure see Working With Sales Orders.


NEXT: Completing The Sales Order Header Fields