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Sales Ordering A Kit Product Via A Works Order Process

The following example shows the full Works Order Processing cycle, including the relevant system-generated documents and user actions required, for a Kit product - KITNORMAL - when a Works Order is initiated from a Sales Order.


Note: For details of the required records and system settings for this example see Examples: Works Order Processing Of A Kit Product.

Phase 1: Sales Ordering

In this example a Customer - Abbey Forest Products - wishes to order 1 KITNORMAL from us. The first phase involves raising and Completing a Sales Order as follows:


On tabbing away from the line Quantity field, the Insufficient Stock warning displays, since we have no free stock of KITNORMAL. We will select Back Order All to back order the goods. As Back-To-Back Ordering is enabled on our system, the window displays additional Back-To-Back Ordering options for creating a Back-To-Back Purchase Order on Completion of the Sales Order:




In this case we will proceed with the default settings - with Create Back To Back PO? and Park Back To Back PO? both set, and with the default Supplier (Default Works Order Supplier) selected. We can now click OK to close the Back Order Options window. For further details see Back-To-Back Sales Ordering.


Note: The Use Raw Material option is selected, as we are supplying the components for Kit assembly (COMPONENT1NORMAL and COMPONENT2NORMAL). If the Use Raw Material option was not selected, Works Order Processing would be bypassed and the any Purchase Order generated from this Sales Order would proceed as a standard Purchase Order; i.e. no Works Order is generated. See Works Orders 'Use Raw Materials' Options.

Note: If Back-To-Back Ordering was not set up on the system, the standard Insufficient Stock warning will display, enabling the User to Back Order the stock (see When You Receive An Insufficient Stock Warning). On Sales Order Completion the Purchase Order will not be auto-generated but must be raised manually for the Back Order line - see Creating A New Purchase Order.


We may now Complete the Sales Order:




Since the Create Back To Back PO? option was switched on (above), on Sales Order Completion a Purchase Order is generated automatically for the Back Ordered goods. This is addressed to the Supplier handling the processing/assembly - Default Works Order Supplier in this example. For further details see Back-To-Back Sales Ordering.


Note: If the 1 x KITNORMAL was available in free stock, the Sales Order would proceed as standard: on Sales Order Completion the Insufficient Stock warning would not display, no Works Order would be generated and no Back Ordering would take place. If we had ordered a larger quantity of KITNORMAL and some but not all of the required quantity was available in free stock, on Sales Order Completion the Insufficient Stock warning would display and the User could select Back Order Excess, with the remaining units not in free stock being generated via a Works Order as described below.


On Completion of the initial Sales Order, a Purchase Order, a 'Works Order' Sales Order - and potentially a Picking Note and possibly a Despatch Note, depending on the User's Order Flags settings (see below) - display in the Sales Order's Tracking tab:




The 'Works Order' Sales Order has a different number from the initial Sales Order (referenced in its Tracking tab and in the header). The 'Works Order' Sales Order is not printed.


Purchase Order Print

With Back-To-Back Ordering enabled, a 'Works Order' Purchase Order is generated/printed on Completion of the initial Sales Order, to order the assembled 'output' goods (KITNORMAL) from the Supplier performing the assembly (Default Works Order Supplier). At this point the Purchase Order's Status is Undelivered. For further details see Back-To-Back Purchase Ordering.


The Supplier, the number of 'output' lines and the default Quantity required are taken from the relevant Works Order Process record. These may be edited on the Purchase Order at this point:


Phase 2: Picking And Despatch Of Components

In the next phase we will pick the components for Kit assembly (COMPONENT1NORMAL and COMPONENT2NORMAL).


To achieve this we will first need to:


On the Works Order, the listed Customer is the Supplier ordering the components for assembly - in this case, our Default Works Order Supplier. The line details show the components/raw materials which are being 'ordered' for processing (COMPONENT1NORMAL and COMPONENT2NORMAL). On the line above, the Works Order Process description (KITNORMAL) displays:




As with a standard Sales Order, the 'Works Order' Sales Order must proceed through the Picking and Despatch cycle subject to the Order Flags settings in our User record (Quantum User Fields tab). In this case, our User settings are configured so that a 'Works Order' Picking Note is printed automatically (otherwise we would need to first print the Picking Note manually). The printed 'Works Order' Picking Note will be taken to our warehouse as the components are picked.


Therefore, the next step is to retrieve the Works Order, open the 'Works Order' Picking Note from the Tracking tab, and then Confirm the Picking Note. See Confirming A Picking Note Manually.


Note: The 'Works Order' Picking Note and Despatch Note reference the 'Works Order' Sales Order in their header sections.


The next stage involves despatching the components for assembly. In this case, our User settings are configured so that a 'Works Order' Despatch Note is printed automatically on Confirmation of the Picking Note (otherwise we would need to first print the Despatch Note manually).


The printed 'Works Order' Despatch Note is now sent with the components to our internal works for assembly, along with the Purchase Order.


On receipt of the signed Despatch Note we may retrieve the Works Order, open the 'Works Order' Despatch Note from the Tracking tab, and then Confirm the Despatch Note. See Confirming A Despatch Note Manually.


Note: When a Kit is being assembled internally from stocked components, it may not be necessary to physically print and confirm a Despatch Note in this manner. In this case, the Automated Confirm Delivery field would be checked in the Order Flags settings in our User record (Quantum User Fields tab) so that the system would automatically Confirm the 'Works Order' Despatch Note following Confirmation of the 'Works Order' Picking Note.


This completes the picking and despatch of components required for Works Order Processing (Kit Assembly). The Works Order's Tracking tab confirms this:




Note: The Purchase Order, Works Order, Picking Note and Despatch Note - and their Status - also display in the Tracking tab of the initial Sales Order.


Once the input goods have been picked and despatched by the Stock Issuing Branch for processing, the stock is nominally deemed to be placed with the Holding Branch, even if it is not physically kept on those premises. At this point, stock figures are updated for the Holding Branch and downdated for the Stock Issuing Branch.


Note: If you have a Works Order Stock Holding Branch in place (see Creating A Works Order Stock Holding Branch) you may view the levels of stock of a particular product currently 'out for processing' by selecting the Works Order Stock Holding Branch in the Product Finder.

Phase 3: Goods Receipt

We (i.e. our internal Default Purchase Order Supplier) will now use the picked components - COMPONENT1NORMAL and COMPONENT2NORMAL - to assemble the Kit (KITNORMAL). At this point we will need to:


At this point:


The Purchase Order's Status will now show as 'Fully Delivered'. The Purchase Order's status is also updated to 'Fully Delivered' on the original Sales Order and on the Works Order.


The assembled Kit - KITNORMAL - is now allocated to the original Sales Order for picking and despatch.

Phase 4: Sales Order Picking, Despatch And Sales Invoicing

Now that the KITNORMAL has been received into stock, picking, despatch and sales invoicing may take place on the initial Sales Order.


To achieve this we will first need to:


At this stage the Sales Order's Tracking tab shows a Purchase Order, the 'Works Order' Sales Order, Picking Note and Despatch Note, plus a Goods Received Note.


The Sales Order must proceed through the Picking and Despatch cycle subject to the Order Flags settings in our User record (Quantum User Fields tab). In this case, our User settings are configured so that a Picking Note is printed automatically (otherwise we would need to first print the Picking Note manually); hence, a second (non-Works Order) Picking Note is displayed in the Sales Order's Tracking tab:




The printed Picking Note will be taken to our warehouse as the order goods - KITNORMAL - are picked.


Therefore, the next step is to retrieve the Sales Order, open the Picking Note from the Tracking tab, and then Confirm the Picking Note. See Confirming A Picking Note Manually.


The next stage involves despatching the order goods to the Customer. In this case, our User settings are configured so that a Despatch Note is printed automatically on Confirmation of the Picking Note (otherwise we would need to first print the Despatch Note manually).


The printed Despatch Note is now sent with the order goods to the Customer. On receipt of the signed Despatch Note from the Customer, we may retrieve the Sales Order, open the Despatch Note from the Tracking tab, and then Confirm the Despatch Note. See Confirming A Despatch Note Manually.


This completes the picking and despatch of the order goods to the Customer. A Sales Invoice can be raised once the Despatch stage is Complete - see Working With Sales Invoices.


This completes the Sales Ordering of KITNORMAL via a Works Order Process.


Note: Since the Kit is being assembled internally, the system will not expect a Purchase Invoice to be received; hence no Purchase Invoice Registration and Matching is required.


NEXT: Works Orders 'Use Raw Materials' Options