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IBTs: Despatching The Goods

In the next stage of the IBT procedure the Issue Branch (i.e. the Branch which stocks the goods, at which the goods were allocated and picked in the previous step) will retrieve the IBT Issue document, then Confirm all 'despatched' IBT lines, recording any 'despatch' variance as necessary.


Viewing And Editing The Batch Allocation Of A Product Line

If a product line on the IBT is 'batch traceable', the user at the Issuing Branch may view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation for the line at the Issue/Despatch stage (and also at the Allocation/Picking stage) by clicking Shift + [F4] on the product line. For further guidance see Viewing And Editing IBT Batch Allocations.


Note: A product is 'batch traceable' if 'Batch Reference', 'Multi-Bin' or 'Serial Number' is selected in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record. For further details see Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.


On Completing this stage an IBT Despatch Note is printed at the Issue Branch. The IBT goods are despatched and the stock is no longer recognised as being at this branch.


Note: See Inter Branch Transfers for an overview of the full IBT procedure.




NEXT: Retrieving The IBT Issue