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Amending The IBT Issue

Once the IBT Issue has been retrieved and opened by a user at the Issue Branch, there is the option to enter variance and amend other details before the IBT is Completed (with the IBT Despatch Note being printed and the goods being issued to the Receiving Branch).


Note: See Inter Branch Transfers for an overview of the full IBT procedure.


When the IBT Issue is opened, the Header details and the goods allocated for despatch (in the Product lines section) are displayed:




The IBT Issue is now at the 'to be despatched' stage, as indicated by 'Despatch' in the Stage field in the IBT Header. Its current status is Unconfirmed and Printed, since the line quantities have not been confirmed for despatch and the IBT Issue has not been Completed, but the IBT Picking Note has been printed.

Amending The IBT Allocation/Quantity For Despatch

You may edit the quantity on a Product line to be despatched by overtyping the existing Despatched quantity.


For example, if 5 x IPOD1 have been allocated/picked but only 3 are available for despatch, you would overtype 5 with 3 in the Despatched field for this Product line.


Note: The Put Away Quantity shows the quantity of this Product line which has been received into stock once the IBT Receipt has been Completed.

Amending Other IBT Details

If you have permission to do so, before printing the IBT Despatch Note you may also:


You also have the option to:


Viewing And Editing The Batch Allocation Of A Product Line

If a product line is 'batch traceable', the user at the Issuing Branch may view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation for the line at the Despatch stage by clicking Shift + [F4] on the product line. For further guidance see Viewing And Editing IBT Batch Allocations.


This may also be done at the Allocation/Picking stage of the IBT. See Amending The IBT Allocation.


If you overtype the existing Despatched quantity - as described above - the system will automatically adjust the Batch/Serial Number/Bin allocation.


Note: A product is 'batch traceable' if 'Batch Reference', 'Multi-Bin' or 'Serial Number' is selected in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record. For further details see Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.


When you are happy with the details of the IBT Issue/despatch you may Complete and Print the IBT Issue to generate a Despatch Note. See Completing And Printing The IBT Issue.


NEXT: Completing And Printing The IBT Issue