Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Main Tab: General Details

The General Details section within the Main tab of the Product record gives general information about the Product.


This information is set in the Product Record under the Main tab/header. For further information see Recording General Product Details.


These fields show the following:





Product Code


Shows the product's Product Code. This is a unique code comprising up to eleven characters. For further details see Defining Product Codes And Descriptions.




Shows the product's unique Description. This can comprise up to two lines of text and should describe the product in detail. For further details see Defining Product Codes And Descriptions.


Section Name / Section Order Code


The Section Name and Section Order Code fields provide an alternative order by which products can be ordered and typically refer to a product's position within the store or warehouse.


The Section Name is a sequence of up to five alphanumeric characters.


This is followed by the Section Order Code, which is a sequence of up to five numerals. For example: SAWNU10000.


These codes are commonly used to order products by supplier, and can also be useful when managing back office tasks and price changes. For example, products from the supplier Graham Builders Merchants might be defined under the Section Name GRA under Section Order Codes 1, 2, 3 and so on.


Product Group


Shows which Product Group the Product belongs to. The product group can be used to group together similar types of product. It may also be used to group together 'top sellers'.


Alt. Product Group 1 / 2


Up to two alternative product groups may be defined for the product. This might be used if the product falls into two or three different  product groups.


Price Group


Shows which Price Group the Product belongs to. The price group can be used to group together different products. The price group assigned to a product has a direct bearing on the discount it will attract.


Price Groups form the second half of the Discount Matrix, the first half being the Customer Class. Products are grouped together with other products that have the same pricing, discount and quantity break structures. Price Groups are often similar to Product Groups.


For Example: in a range of power tools, Black and Decker drills may only have two prices, retail and trade, but Bosch drills may have four prices. The Black and Decker drills should be in a separate price group to Bosch drills. Customers could then be pointed - via the Discount Matrix - to the trade price for Black and Decker drills and, if required, price band 3 or 4 for Bosch drills.


For further information see Discount Matrix Maintenance and Price Maintenance.


Collection Discount


Shows the percentage Collection Discount which can be applied to a line price if the order is a Collected sale, i.e. the customer is personally collecting the goods.


For further information see Price Maintenance.


Aggregate Code


Shows which Aggregate Code (or group) the Product belongs to. Aggregate pricing is where a product or collection of products are grouped together, and depending on the quantity, weight or value of the total mix of products Quantum VS will use an Aggregation Quantity Break table to apply an aggregation discount. (The customer record controls whether or not the customer can take advantage of any available aggregation discount.)


For further information see Aggregation Product Maintenance and Price Maintenance.


Bar Code (EAN)


Shows the Bar Code (or European Article Number) for the product.




Shows the product's Initial Access Code (IAC). This (optional) code consists of up to 30 alphanumeric characters and can be used as an alternative to the product code. Users can access products using either.


The IAC code field may be used to store section sizes for timber products. For example, products with a cross section of 47x100 may all have the IAC of 470100. When the products are located using the IAC code the operator may browse through the different  products of that section size; e.g. Sawn, Planed, Whitewood, Redwood etc.


For non timber products, the IAC could be used for an old product code or to store a manufacturer’s reference for the product.


VAT Code *


Shows the VAT Code which applies to the product. For example: Standard (20%), Zero (0%).


The system uses this VAT Code to apply the appropriate amount of VAT on sales documents when the product is sold. For further details see VAT Record Maintenance.


Stock Unit


You may optionally link the Product record with a Stock Unit record, so that, at sales document entry, the Customer or Sales Clerk may enter a quantity in any one of the stock units available for the Product, rather than being limited to ordering in the product's 'base' stock unit. See Alternative Stock Unit Maintenance.


To do this, enter the Stock Unit record's Name/Stocking Code - if you know it. Alternatively, click F3 to display Stock Unit records in the Finder for selection. See Finding Stock Unit Records.


Luckins Code


The Product may be linked with a product in the Luckins catalogue (i.e. a Luckins Product) through its Luckins Code.


The Luckins Code field is populated automatically when a Luckins Product is converted into a 'Quantum VS' Product. However, it may be added manually in order to link an existing Product record to a product in the Luckins catalogue. See Luckins Product Maintenance.


Luckins Update Prices / Descs / Supplier


Data for Quantum VS Products linked to a Luckins Product can be updated automatically as part of the weekly update, depending on the settings of these flags in the Product record.


Checking these fields enables the Price, Description and/or Supplier to be updated for this Product as part of the weekly Luckins update. See Luckins Product Maintenance.



NEXT: Main Tab: Catalogue Details