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Product Inventory Records: Transferring Bin Location

The Transfer procedure may be used to manually transfer a quantity of Product Inventory stock from the current bin location to one or more alternative bins.


Note: The term 'Product Inventory stock' refers to products associated with a Batch Reference, Serial Number and/or Bin Location on receipt into stock (see Allocating Batch/Bin/Serial Number Details At Goods Receipt).

Note: A User's ability to manually transfer a quantity of Product Inventory stock from the current bin location to one or more alternative bins is controlled by the User Permission: File Maintenance > Batch Stock > Transfer Stock. See Product Inventory (Batch Stock) Records: User Permissions.


For example: stock of the product MULTIBIN1 was assigned the Bin Location MBIN1 when it was received into stock. We now wish to reassign a quantity of stock to an alternative bin - MBIN2 - to reflect a change in the stock's Bin Location.


Note: A product's default bin location is defined in the Branch Stock record (Other tab) for the product. See Branch Stock Maintenance.

Note: When bin movements and stock 'put away' are performed using a remote bar code scanner the system is automatically updated with stock numbers at each bin location and the manual procedure described here is not required.


To do this:


1.      Find and open the required Product Inventory record using one of the following methods:


Each Product Inventory record shows the Batch Reference, Serial Number and/or Bin Location and other product details. See Viewing Product Inventory Records.


2.      From the Toolbar - Sub Menu select Manage Stock then Transfer:




The Product Inventory Transfer window displays, showing the:



Note: To perform the transfer, free stock must be available.


3.      In the Quantity To Transfer field, select/enter the number of items you wish to transfer (2, in this example) then click Continue:




4.      Enter the Bin Location you wish to transfer the stock to, and the Quantity to transfer.


Note: Use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


Note that you may transfer Product Inventory stock into more than one bin. In the following example, of the 2 items we are transferring:




5.      Click Transfer - as shown in the example above.


Note: The Transfer button is available only when the total stock quantity selected for transfer (as indicated in the To Post Quantity field) has been allocated a new Bin Location.


On completion a message displays to indicate that the transfer was successful.


Note: You will need to refresh the Finder in order to display updated quantities in the Product Inventory records Finder and in the Quantities tab of the Product Inventory record.

Note: Details of any stock adjustments - including the User who made them - can be viewed in the Tracking Tab of the associated Product Inventory record.


NEXT: Product Inventory Records: Rejecting Stock