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Purchasing Reports

The following reports are available in the 'Purchasing' category. Click the links for further details:





Use To...

Buying Difference


Purchase Invoices or Supplier Return Notes posted with a buying difference.

Identify - and correct - buying differences in purchase invoices and SRNs; i.e. when the sum of the invoice posted is different to the value of the goods actually received and/or ordered.


Chase Purchase Orders


Purchase Orders which have not been fully received by a certain date, which therefore require 'chasing up'.


Identify situations where it is necessary to chase supplier(s) and/or monitor the arrival of overdue orders. Can also be used as the basis for cash flow projection forecasting.


Cost Difference


Purchase Orders where the cost - from the supplier's Purchase Invoice - does not match what was actually booked in via the Goods Received Note.


Identify situations where it is necessary to cross reference goods received with the amount invoiced, in order to correct mistakes and/or take action with suppliers.


Goods Received Not Invoiced


Purchase Orders which have been received into stock but no invoice has yet been registered for them.


Identify situations where it is necessary to chase purchase invoices/take action with suppliers.


Items From Supplier


Which suppliers are being used to supply a specified range of products, including dates and lead times.


Review the settings of lead times, box size and minimum bulk order quantities, and minimum supplier order and value quantities.


Outstanding Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders that have quantities for delivery outstanding, which therefore require 'chasing up'.


Identify situations where it is necessary to chase supplier(s) and/or monitor the arrival of overdue orders.


Purchase Orders


Purchase Orders entered, either today or within a selected date range. Users may include/exclude different types of Purchase Order.


Monitor new purchase orders on the system and check for errors, omissions etc.


Registered Not Passed


Purchase Invoices which have been Registered (i.e. Entered into the System) but not yet Passed (or Matched).


Identify Purchase Invoices which need to be matched/passed.


Suggested Orders


'Suggested' Purchase Orders, based on current stock levels and reorder levels, which can be reviewed manually and converted to real Purchase Orders if necessary.


Review - and if necessary create Suggested Purchase Orders automatically - based on current demand/reorder levels and current stock levels. Suggested Purchase Orders can then be reviewed manually and converted to real Purchase Orders as required.



NEXT: Buying Difference Report