Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Viewing And Manipulating Prices And Discounts

When you add a Product line to a Sales Order, Quote, Sales Enquiry, Sales Contract or Credit Note, the system automatically adds the line price. This 'best price' is worked out based on a number of factors, such as stored price details taken from the Product Record and Discount Matrix records. For further details see Price Maintenance.


However, users with sufficient privileges may manipulate the line price and/or the discount offered at the Product line-adding stage. There are many possible reasons for doing so - to generate a sale, boost Customer loyalty, or adjust profit margins, for example.


Methods Of Adjusting Line Prices And Discounts

Quantum VS offers various ways of adjusting line prices and discounts. The first two methods are relatively simple:


Note: You may adjust your Lines View Mode to view Product prices and discounts - and also view stock details. See Lines View Modes.


You may click the price hyperlinks available on Product lines in the various Lines View Modes to manipulate Product prices and discounts using the following methods, which allow for more complex price/discount manipulation:


Note: These options may or may not be available to you, depending on your assigned Role/User Permissions.


NEXT: Lump Summing Product Lines