Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Printing A Picking Note Manually

A Picking Note listing product lines from the Sales Order may be printed off as a hard copy to be used as a checklist by the 'picker'. They will check the product lines and quantities as they are picked, recording any variance.


See example:


The manual 'print' procedure is described below.


Note: This step is not required if automatic Picking Note printing is enabled on your system for Collected and/or Delivered orders, as the Picking Note is automatically given 'printed' status following the Completion of the Collected and/or Delivered Sales Order. See Working With Picking Notes.


The Picking Note is created automatically when a Sales Order is Completed (* except in the case of Direct orders). It may then be recalled and printed (or re-printed).

Finding And Opening The Picking Note

To print a Picking Note manually you will first need to locate and open the 'Unprinted' Picking Note. To do this, use one of the following methods:


Use the 'Confirm Picking Note' Link On The Home Tab

From the Home tab, under update, select Confirm Picking Note.


A blank Picking Note is displayed. Enter the Sales Order number in the available field, then click [Tab] to retrieve Picking Note details:




OR: Use The Mega Menu

From the Mega Menu, in Warehouse under update, select Picking Note.


OR: Use The Finder

You may retrieve and open the relevant Picking Note using the Finder. See Finding Picking Notes.


OR: Use The Sales Order's Tracking Tab

If the relevant Sales Order is already open, select the Tracking tab then click the link to open the relevant Picking Note. See Sales Orders: Tracking Progress After Completion.



Understanding The Picking Note

The Picking Note will open in a new tab. For example:




Picking Note Header Fields

At the top of the Picking Note are the header fields. Certain fields - including details about the Branch, Customer and Sales Order - are populated with information from the original Sales Order - see Completing The Sales Order Header Fields for field definitions. You may open the Sales Order or Customer record by clicking the appropriate hyperlink.


Additional header fields on the Picking Note are:

Note: If the Picking Note's status is 'Unprinted' you will need to print the Picking Note before you can Confirm it and commence the Despatch stage - see Printing The Picking Note below. If the Picking Note's status is 'Printed' you may print copies by clicking Reprint on the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


The following information is displayed after the Picking Note has been Confirmed:


Picking Note Product Lines

Beneath the header details are the Product lines to be picked (taken from the Sales Order). Each Product line shows the:

Printing The Picking Note

On Confirming the Picking Note it is 'printed' automatically (i.e. printed as a hard copy; emailed or faxed to a contact; and/or saved to disk, depending on your system settings).


Default Picking Note Print Options

The default output method and Customer Contact is the one defined for the document type 'Picking Note' in the Document Defaults Tab for this Customer. If no Document default is specified, the default 'print' destination is the default specified for the document type 'Picking List' in your User record > IO Control Fields tab.


Notes: (1) You may use Print Groups to view, print and email/fax any document saved to Disk (i.e. to the Linux Host Server). (2) Many Quantum VS document types and Reports are output as XML files which the system automatically converts into 'formatted' PDF files which may be printed via a printer, sent by email, faxed, saved to disk or sent via the Quantum VS XML Highway. See Setting Up XML To PDF Document Printing.


Printing A Picking Note Manually

You may manually print (or reprint) a Picking Note. To do this:


1.      When the document is open, select Print from the Toolbar - Sub Menu.


Note: The Print option is only available if the Picking Note's status is 'Unprinted'.


2.      The Print Option Window displays:




Select print options by checking Print, Fax, Email and/or Disk and entering the print destination as necessary in the field to the right.


Selecting XML Highway means the document will be transmitted to the Customer Contact via Quantum VS Highway. For this option to be available, XML Print Records must be configured - see Configuring XML Print Records For Quantum VS Highway.


3.      When you have selected Print Options, click Print.


4.      The document is 'printed' to the specified location. A dialogue window will indicate that printing was successful. Click OK to close it.


The Picking Note will now be assigned the status of 'Printed'.


Reprinting A Picking Note

If the Reprint option is available on the Toolbar Sub-Menu you may reprint a Picking Note which has already been printed. Select Print Options as described above.

After Printing The Picking Note

If your system is configured for manual Picking Note Confirmation for Collected and/or Delivered orders (see Working With Picking Notes):


If your system is configured for automatic Picking Note Confirmation for Collected and/or Delivered orders (see Working With Picking Notes), none of the above procedures are necessary.


NEXT: Confirming Lines And Recording Variance On Picking Notes