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Entering Sales Contract Product Lines

After you have completed the header details for the Sales Contract and clicked [Tab] your cursor will be focused on the Product Code field of the first Product line (Line 100), ready for you to enter the products the Customer wishes to include in the contract.




At this point:


To enter Product lines: use the same procedure as for Sales Orders. See Adding Product Lines.


As with Sales Orders, the product's Description, Nett Price, 'Per' value, and Total price are displayed by default. (This depends on the Lines View Mode selected. You may change this to a different setting.) Hyperlinks are available from each line's Quantity, Nett Price, and Total. You may click on these to check product and price details. (Other hyperlinks are available, depending on your Line View Mode.) See Understanding Product Lines.


The following Product line columns/fields are specific to Sales Contracts:

Note: Outstanding Product totals are not displayed until the Sales Contract has been Completed.

Note: For further details see Supplier Rebate Maintenance.

Additional Features When Adding Product Lines To Sales Contracts

There are a range of additional procedures which may be necessary or useful when adding Product lines to a Sales Contract:


See Additional Procedures When Adding Product Lines for a full list and further details.

When You Have Finished Adding Lines

Once you have finished adding lines:


Note: To review the full Sales Contract procedure see Working With Sales Contracts.


NEXT: Completing And Printing Sales Contracts