Quantum VS Help: Document Scanning

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Recording Signature Details On Sales Order Completion

To record a customer signature on Sales Order Completion using a Signature Pad, use the method described below.


Note: Recording a customer signature using a Signature Pad only works with certain order types. The Signature Pad must be installed and the server must be configured. See Prerequisites For Signature Pad Implementation Within Quantum VS.

Note: To view a customer signature recorded against a Sales Order's Despatch Note see Viewing The Saved Signature.


1.      Create a new Sales Order.


2.      Enter details in the Sales Order header fields as required - see Completing The Sales Order Header Fields.


To be able to capture the customer signature on Sales Order completion the Sales Order must be:

And either a:

Or a:

Note: Fast Track ordering is enabled by the user having the following Order Flags fields checked in the Quantum User Fields tab of their User record: Automated Picking Note Print, Automated Confirm Picking, Automated Assemble Delivery, Automated Delivery Note Print, Automated Confirm Delivery.




3.      Tab through to the lines area, enter Product line details and then Complete the Sales Order.


4.      On Completion of the 'Collect Now' order:


5.      Ask the customer to sign in the designated area on the Signature Pad screen. The customer's signature will now display within the Signature window in Quantum VS:




6.      (Optional) Enter the Customer Name and/or Vehicle Registration as required.


7.      Click Accepted.


Note: Alternatively, click Clear to clear the signature screen; for example, if the customer needs to re-sign.


8.      The customer's signature is stored against the Sales Order's Despatch Note. The Signature Pad will now display your company name/logo.

Viewing The Saved Signature

You may wish to view a customer signature recorded against a Sales Order's Despatch Note - perhaps to confirm they have signed for receipt of the goods.


To do this, use the Print Groups Finder to Find and open the required Despatch Note for the required User. See Viewing, Printing And Emailing Documents.


The customer signature - recorded using the Signature Pad - displays on the document:




NEXT: Call Manager