Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Converting Luckins Products Using The Products Finder

You may use the Product Finder to list Luckins Products as well as standard Quantum VS Products:




If necessary you may use the Advanced filters to list only Luckins Products. For further details see Using The Product Finder To View Luckins Products.


Remember: each listed Luckins Product is available for sale, and has associated product and price details, but has not yet been converted into a standard Quantum VS Product.


The following Product Finder options are available for converting a Luckins Product into a Quantum VS Product:

Note: For further details see Luckins Product Maintenance and Luckins Database And Quantum VS Integration: Overview.

Clicking The Product Code Hyperlink

To use this conversion method:


1.      Click the Product Code hyperlink of a Luckins Product in the Product Finder (as pictured above).


2.      The Create New Product? window displays, showing current product and price details for the selected Luckins Product:




You may amend the Product Code, Description 1 / 2, Product Group or Price Group if necessary.


When you have finished, click Create.


3.      The New Product window displays, showing default details for the new Product:




Note: Default details are taken from (1) data entered in your Default Luckins Product record (L-SPECIAL); (2) the Luckins Distributors Database Module options selected/enabled in Optional Enhancements; and (3) from the Luckins product and price data, subject to any user editing in the previous step.


4.      Add - or edit - product details in the available tabs as required. See Creating A New Product Record.


5.      Click Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the new 'converted' Product record.


You will need to respond to any additional prompt windows which display. See Saving A New Product Record.

Right-Click 'Create' Option

Two further conversion options are available from the Product Finder's right-click options menu. To use this conversion method:


1.      Right-click on the line in the Finder showing the Luckins Product you wish to convert.


2.      Select the Create Quantum Product From Luckins... option:




3.      The New Product window displays, showing default details for the new Product.


Continue as described from step 3 of Clicking The Product Code Hyperlink above.

Right-Click 'Create And Add' To Sales Order Option

When a Sales Order is open and the Product lines area is active (i.e. you have finished adding header details), an additional conversion option is available from the Product Finder's right-click options menu. To use this conversion method:


1.      Right-click on the line in the Finder showing the Luckins Product you wish to convert.


2.      Select the Create And Add .... To Sales Order... option:




3.      The Create New Product? displays, showing current product and price details for the selected Luckins Product.


Continue as described from step 4 of Adding A Luckins Product To A Sales Order.


NEXT: Converting A Luckins Product Using The Product Record