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Editing A Product Inventory Record

A Product Inventory record is created - or updated - when either:


Most fields on a Product Inventory record are read-only and may not be amended. However, you may edit a Product Inventory record in order to:


Note: A User's ability to edit the details of Product Inventory records is controlled by the User Permission: File Maintenance > Batch Stock > Edit. See Product Inventory (Batch Stock) Records: User Permissions.

Note: When a Product Inventory record is open you may also: adjust the stock balance of a Product Inventory record to ensure that the stock figures recorded on Quantum VS match the actual physical stock in your warehouse/shop/office - see Product Inventory Records: Adjusting Stock Balances; transfer a quantity of Product Inventory stock from the current bin location to one or more alternative bins - see Product Inventory Records: Transferring Bin Location; reject a quantity of Product Inventory stock and append the items to a Supplier Return Note if required - see Product Inventory Records: Rejecting Stock.


To edit a Product Inventory record:


1.      Find and open the required Product Inventory record using one of the following methods:


Each Product Inventory record shows the Batch Reference, Serial Number and/or Bin Location and other product details. See Viewing Product Inventory Records.


2.      Click Amend on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to place the record in Amend Mode:




3.      Edit the following Main tab fields as necessary. You may, for example:

For further information on these fields see Viewing Product Inventory Records.


Releasing Held Batches From Inspection

Held batches cannot be sold until they have been inspected. To release stock which is being inspected you will need to retrieve and amend the Status of the Product Inventory record from one of the 'held' statuses to 'Available'.


4.      Click Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the record. (Alternatively, click Enquiry to return to Enquiry Mode without saving any changes.)


NEXT: Managing Product Inventory Stock