Quantum VS Help: System Administration

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Print Group Maintenance

Print Groups enable users to preview, print and email text and PDF files which have been generated in Quantum VS and saved to 'Disk' (i.e. to the Linux Host Server), such as:


A 'Print Group' is simply a set of Templates and Documents. Each Print Group is given a common group name (e.g. Source Files, Audit Trails, Account Status, Price Lists) and its own set of default options which apply only to that group.


Each Print Group can contain one or many Templates (or Directories). When the user has selected a Print group they may select one or more Templates in order to view Documents for that Template. Typically, each Template might relate to a specific Role or User (e.g. Helen's Documents), or a certain file type (e.g. PDF Documents) or a certain purpose (e.g. Statements). Users may then view, print and email selected Documents.


Before Users can view/print/email Documents which have been saved to 'Disk', the System Administrator must set up the necessary Print Groups and Templates.


User Permissions and Roles can be used to control which features related to Print Group Maintenance a User/Role may access. See Print Group Maintenance: User Permissions And Roles.


Note: This overview explains how document types and Reports may be output in Quantum VS.


This section covers:


NEXT: Print Group Maintenance: User Permissions And Roles