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Issues And Stock Tab: Viewing Product Issues And Stock Details

The Issues And Stock tab gives details of a Product's:


To view a Product's issues and stock details:


1.      Find and open the Product record for the required Product. See Finding Products.


2.      Select the Issues & Stock tab:




There are two main areas: Issues and Stock Details:


The Issues section gives a breakdown of Product Issues over the preceding 12 months. Use the Branch menu to select to show figures for either the whole company (i.e. Company Stock) or an individual branch.


The top area shows issues for the selected Product and Branch for each of the preceding 12 months, in both table and graphical form.


Click the Bar/Line drop-down to select the graphical 'view' type from the following options:


Also shown are:


A further table shows figures for the following:


These fields show the following:





Stock Details


Default Stock Count Group


A Stock Count Group is a number between 1 and 9999 that can be assigned to a product or group of products for stock taking purposes. This enables stock taking routines to be performed in a structured and logical manner. For example, stock taking could be performed on different Stock Count Groups at a time.


Default Lead Time (Days)


This field shows the default number of days it takes from ordering the product to receiving it into stock. This information is used in Purchase Ordering.


Note: This figure overrides all other default lead times (on the Supplier record).

Stock Controller Code


A Stock Controller Code is a letter from A to Z which denotes the stock controller this product is assigned to. Stock Controller Codes are used in stock taking. This code can be used to produce a list of products belonging to a particular stock controller.


Stock Review Group


The Stock Review Group is a group to which products can be allocated for monitoring and works in conjunction with the Review Frequency (Weeks) field - see below.


This field will show a value from 0 to 99, corresponding to a number of weeks; i.e. 1 = 1 week, or 7 days.


These values are used by the Suggested Orders Report for isolating different products and product ranges.


Review Frequency (Weeks)


This field shows the number of weeks that denote when a product should be reviewed again following the last stock review. It will display a value from 0 to 99, corresponding to a number of weeks; i.e. 1 = 1 week, or 7 days.


As with the Stock Review Group field (above), this is used by the Suggested Orders Report to calculate how often the product needs to be considered for stock level maintenance.


Weight (Per UoM)


This field shows the weight of the product, if applicable. This is required if the method of Quantity Breaks is set to Weight Break Discounts.


The unit of measure (UoM) is taken automatically from the Cost Price Per field in the Main tab.


Box Size Inner / Box Size Outer


These fields are used (along with the Purchase Pack Qty field where applicable - see below) to define the box or carton or pallet that the products are ordered in.


The following examples explain how Inner and Outer values are defined:


Example 1: If you are buying a box of six eggs, the Inner quantity would be 1 and the Outer quantity would be 6.  


Example 2: If you are buying a box of light bulbs which holds 20 bulbs, the Inner value would be 1 and the Outer value would be 20.


Example 3: If the light bulbs were packaged in boxes of 3, and 4 boxes of light bulbs were purchased in one box, the Inner value would be 3 and the Outer value would be 12.


Purchase Pack Qty


This field (alternatively referred to as Outer Box Code) may be used to define the unit or quantity the product is purchased by, as used by the Supplier, such as crate, pallet, box etc. - see note.


Note: These values are set up and maintained in the table file OUTR (Outer Box Code) using Table File Maintenance.


For example, say we stock nails in boxes and we wish to order more nails. The supplier only delivers the nails as pallets, each containing 24 boxes. On the 'nails' product record we would enter a value of '1' in the Box Size Inner field, '24' in the Box Size Outer field, and select 'Pallet' in the Purchase Pack Qty field. This denotes that each single pallet we order contains 24 boxes of nails.


At Purchase Order Entry we may now only order quantities which are multiples of 24, so for quantities of 48, 72 or 144 the quantity and description printed on the Purchase Order (unpriced layout only) would be 2, 3 or 6 pallets as appropriate.


Minimum Bulk Order Qty


The Minimum Bulk Order Quantity field shows the minimum quantity of the product that must be ordered to qualify for the supplier's bulk order terms. This minimum quantity will be a multiple of the outer box size.


Bar Code Stock Take


If this field is checked, stock take quantities of this product may be entered via a hand held Bar Code reader.


Test Certificates


Test Certificates can be used as a way of tracing the movement of individual product stock items. If this field is checked, when stock is booked in, the system will request a batch number that can be used to identify each unit of stock. When stock is sold, the system will automatically take the stock from the next available batch.


Add IBTs Out To Sales Stats


If this field is checked, products booked out on an IBT (Inter Branch Transfer) will be recorded into the sales figures for the branch.


Stock Rank


This field is used to classify products according to how important it is to keep them in stock. The following options are available:


  • A - Primary Stock Ranking (Daily/Weekly Verification). Products ranked A, B and C are the top three stock rankings in descending order. Products with a Primary stock ranking are considered to be fast moving products and therefore must always be kept in stock.

  • B - Secondary Stock Ranking (Fortnightly/Monthly Verification).  

  • C - Tertiary Stock Ranking (6 Weekly/12 Weekly Verification).

  • O - Obsolete Stocked Product. This denotes a product that you are no longer stocking (i.e. ordering in), although you may have some still remaining in stock. At Sales Order Entry the system will warn the operator that the stock is now obsolete, but the sale will be completed if goods are available.

  • T - Temporary Stocked Product. This denotes a Temporary stock record such as a 'special' (Special Offer).

  • Z - Non-Stocked Product. This denotes a product not stocked at this branch.


Last Review Date


This date is maintained by Quantum VS and records the last time the product was reviewed as part of suggested Purchase Ordering via the Suggested Orders Report.


By considering this date and the Weeks Review Frequency field it should be possible to determine when product stock levels will next be included for suggested purchase ordering via the Suggested Purchase Orders Report.


Single Source Stocking Branch


If this product is stocked by one branch only, the branch is named in this field. If the product is stocked by more than one branch, this field will read 'None'.


Sales Start / End Text Code


Text to be printed at the top (start) and bottom (end) of sales documents featuring this product may be specified in these fields.


Purchase Start / End Text Code


Text to be printed at the top (start) and bottom (end) of purchasing documents featuring this product may be specified in these fields.


Core Stock Flag


This field is used to classify products according to whether or not they are regarded as core products. The following options are available:


  • Core Stock (C) - Denotes a product that is sold and stocked at all branches.

  • Optional (O) - Each branch can decide whether or not to stock the product.

  • Non-Core Stock (N) (Default Option) - Denotes a product that is not sold and stocked at all branches.


Products marked as Core may not be deleted, whereas products marked as Optional or Non-Core may be deleted.


Kit Flag


This field may display one of the following:



Sole Selling Branch


If this product is sold by one branch only, the branch is named in this field. If the product is sold by more than one branch, this field will read 'None'.


Box Size Inner Selling / Box Size Outer Selling


These fields are used (along with the Selling Pack Qty field where applicable - see below) to define the box or carton or pallet that the products are sold in.


The following examples explain how Inner and Outer values are defined:


Example 1: If you are selling a box of six eggs, the Inner quantity would be 1 and the Outer quantity would be 6.  


Example 2: If you are selling a box of light bulbs which holds 20 bulbs, the Inner value would be 1 and the Outer value would be 20.


Example 3: If the light bulbs were packaged in boxes of 3, and 4 boxes of light bulbs were sold in one box, the Inner value would be 3 and the Outer value would be 12.


Selling Pack Qty


This field (alternatively referred to as Outer Box Code Selling) may be used to define the unit or quantity the product is sold by, such as crate, pallet, box etc. - see note.


Note: These values are set up and maintained in the table file OUTS (Outer Box Code Selling) using Table File Maintenance.


For example, say we stock nails in boxes and we sell them by the pallet, each containing 24 boxes. On the 'nails' product record we would enter a value of '1' in the Box Size Inner Selling field, '24' in the Box Size Outer Selling field, and select 'Pallet' in the Selling Pack Qty field. This denotes that each single pallet we sell contains 24 boxes of nails.


At Sales Order Entry we may now only sell quantities which are multiples of 24, so for quantities of 48, 72 or 144 the quantity and description printed on the Sales Order (unpriced layout only) would be 2, 3 or 6 pallets as appropriate.


E Catalogue


If this field is checked, this product is available to the Quantum VS Catalogue Management Tool or the purposes of building a web catalogue used for e-commerce. See Quantum VS eBusiness Integration.


E Trade


This field is not currently utilised by Quantum VS.


Product Inventory Details



The following fields can be used to apply 'batch traceability' details to the product:


Batch Bin Serial Flag


This field defines whether the product is flagged for 'batch traceability'.


If the option None is selected, the product is not 'batch traceable'. To set up batch traceability for a product, one of the following options must be selected:

  • Batch Reference (B): This enables each batch of stock received to be allocated a unique batch number when it is booked in on a Goods Received Note. Stock can then be traced according to its batch number, both within and after it has left the warehouse.

  • Serial Numbering (S): This is similar to Batch Reference (above), except each individual item of stock must be allocated its own unique Serial Number when it is booked in.

  • Multi-Bin (M): This option is used when you require a record to be kept of the physical areas (or 'bins') where stock is held, but where traceability of the stock once it has left the warehouse is not required. Each batch of stock received must be allocated a Bin Location when it is booked in on a Goods Received Note.

Notes: (1) At present batch traceability is not supported for Length Stock or Pack products. It is supported for all other product types, including Timber and Kit products. (2) You may view Product Inventory records for a particular product by selecting the Inventory History tab. See Inventory History Tab: Viewing Product Batch Details.

Batch Inspection Flag


This field applies only to products flagged 'Batch Reference' or 'Serial Numbering' in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field above.


The Batch Inspection Flag setting determines whether incoming 'Batch Reference' or 'Serial Number' goods will be held for inspection when 'booked in' on a Goods Received Note. The options are:

  • Automatic (A): Incoming batches will automatically be held for inspection.

  • Manual (M): The user has the option to specify - either on the Purchase Order line or when booking the goods in via a Goods Received Note - that incoming batches will be held for inspection.

  • None (N): No incoming batches will be held for inspection - and can therefore be sold immediately.

Note: Incoming batches held for inspection cannot be sold until they have been released (i.e. their status has been updated to 'available'). See Editing A Product Inventory Record.

Batch Receipt Sequence


This field applies only to products flagged 'Batch Reference' in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field above.


The Batch Receipt Sequence determines how batch reference numbers are assigned when the product is 'booked in' on a Goods Received Note. The options are:

  • Manual (M): The user must enter a Batch No manually.

  • Global (G): A unique Batch No is generated automatically (determined by the number held in the Next Batch No field in the Purchasing tab of the Price Book General control record).

  • Supplier (S): A unique Batch No is generated automatically (determined by the number held in the Next Batch No field in the Main tab of the Supplier record of the Supplier who delivered the goods - see Entering Supplier Main Details).


The following fields can be used to apply default settings when the product is 'booked in' on a Goods Received Note:


Shelf Life Flag


If this field is checked, the product will be assigned a mandatory 'shelf life' and 'sell by' date at 'goods in'. These are defined by the Shelf Life Flag and Shelf Life Days fields below.


If this field is not checked, users have the option to add a 'shelf life' and 'sell by' date at 'goods in'.


Shelf Life Days


If the Shelf Life Flag (above) is checked, this field may be used to enter a number of days to define the product's Shelf Life Date at 'goods in'. This is automatically defined as today's date plus the number of days in this field.


Sell By Days


If the Shelf Life Flag (above) is checked, this field may be used to enter a number of days to define the product's Sell By Date at 'goods in'. This is automatically defined as today's date plus the number of days in this field.


Certificate Flag


If this field is checked, the user is forced to enter a Certificate Flag for the goods at 'goods in'.



Stock Details are entered in the Stock tab of the product record. For further details see Entering Stock Details.


NEXT: Timber Details Tab: Viewing Timber Product Details