Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Creating A New Purchase Order

There are two ways of creating a new Purchase Order. You can:

Creating A New Purchase Order

To create a new Purchase Order use one of the following methods:

Understanding The Purchase Order

A blank Purchase Order opens in a new tab - New Purchase Order - on your desktop:




The main section now visible is the Header area, in which you will need to enter the Supplier and other details. See Entering Purchase Order Header Details.


Once you have entered Header details the Product Lines section is enabled, where you may enter the products you wish to order. See Adding Product Lines To Purchase Orders.


Note: The Properties section - to the right - displays additional details relating to the Document (i.e. Purchase Order), Supplier and Product. In the Document section there are fields you may wish to review/edit before Completing the Purchase Order. See Viewing Additional Purchase Order Details In The Properties Area.


About The Tabs Within The Purchase Order

Within the Purchase Order is a series of tabs. The main tab - Purchase Order - is active by default. Here you will add the Header and Line details.


Further tabs provide additional options:

Entering Information On The New Purchase Order

You must now:


At some point after issuing the Completed Purchase Order you will receive the goods from the supplier. At this point you will need to create a Goods Received Note (GRN) for the Purchase Order items, which involves checking the goods in and noting any variances, before Confirming the Goods Received Note. See Working With Goods Received Notes.


Note: To review the full purchasing procedure see the Purchasing Overview.


NEXT: Entering Purchase Order Header Details