Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Purchasing Overview

This section describes how to use Quantum VS to handle your business purchasing.


The main purchasing document types are:


The following document types are used in Purchase Invoice Registration and Matching:

Overview Of The Purchasing Procedure

Ordering Goods Via A 'Stock' Purchase Order

The first stage involves creating a Purchase Order to order stock from a supplier. The procedure - similar to creating a Sales Order, Quote or Sales Contract - is as follows:

Note: Purchase Orders may also be bulk-generated. See Generating Purchase Orders In Bulk.

Note: At this point you may cancel order lines - or the whole Purchase Order; Park the Purchase Order; manipulate product buying terms and discounts offered by the supplier; add Timber, Sheet Material and Pack products to the Purchase Order; add Text, Manual And Special lines to the Purchase Order; change the Lines View Mode - perhaps to view quantities of invoiced and undelivered goods; and more.

Note: After Completion you may optionally add Progress Notes and update the date fields for the Purchase Order or individual lines as part of reviewing Supplier delivery/shipping targets.

Note: You may set up ancillary costing to apply ancillary costs (costs additional to a product's buying cost) when placing orders. These costs can potentially be edited by the user. For further details see Ancillary Costing Maintenance.


Other Types Of Purchase Order

The above instructions refer to standard Stock-type Purchase Orders. Other types of Purchase Order you may work with are:

See Pre-Allocated, Suggested and Direct Purchase Orders.


See Working With Purchase Orders.


Receiving Goods into Stock Via A Goods Received Note ('Booking In' Procedure)

The next stage comes when you receive goods from a supplier. You will need to create a Goods Received Note (GRN) and record the receipt of goods into stock - a procedure known as 'booking in'.


Product line details are now recalled from the Purchase Order. You may now check received quantities and details of each line.


Note: 'Booking in' stock may be carried out using a 'keyboard wedge' bar code scanner connected between the user's keyboard and Quantum VS, or may be carried out by a remote 'scanner user' via an RF bar code scanner running the Quantum VS Warehouse System application. See Bar Code Scanning Maintenance.


If the quantities and details of the received goods are correct for all lines: you may simply Confirm and print the Goods Received Note.


You may, however, be required to perform some of the following procedures before you can Confirm the GRN:


Once you have dealt with the above as necessary you can Confirm the Goods Received Note. Confirming the Goods Received Note formally confirms the receipt of goods into stock, 'prints' the GRN and concludes the 'booking in' procedure. If any goods were not delivered, or were damaged or incorrect, you have the option of cancelling the delivery of, or raising additional GRNs for, the missing/damaged/incorrect items.


On Confirmation of the Goods Received Note a Stock record - or Product Inventory record, if the goods are flagged for 'batch traceability' - is created or updated and the received goods will now be available to be sold.


See Working With Goods Received Notes.


Supplier Returns

If there is a problem with any goods ordered from suppliers - for example, they are damaged, incorrect, were oversupplied or never actually received - you may wish to (a) return the goods to the supplier in return for money back, or (b) request back the value of the goods without returning them. This is done using a Supplier Return Note (SRN).


This procedure involves creating a Supplier Return Note for the required supplier, entering header details, then entering details of the products you wish to return (or return the value of).


Note: When a product flagged for 'batch traceability' is entered as a Supplier Return Note line, the system automatically selects the Batch Number, Serial Number and/or Bin Location of the product to be sold. You may optionally view or edit this batch allocation. See Editing Supplier Return Note Batch Allocations.


You may then add/edit documentation details if you wish, before Completing the SRN and issuing it, along with the goods, to the supplier.


When the supplier has confirmed receipt of the Supplier Return Note - and any returned goods - you will need to Confirm the lines on the SRN, which confirms that the supplier has received the stated quantity of each product.


Once the supplier has received the Supplier Return Note - and goods, if returned - they are likely to issue you with a Credit Note. The supplier return procedure is over when the supplier has received all of the items and you have matched these against the received Credit Note using Purchase Invoice Registration. When this happens, the SRN will change from Confirmed to Paid status.


See Working With Supplier Returns.


Purchase Invoice Registration And Matching

When you are invoiced by suppliers you may use Purchase Invoice Registration and Matching to register the invoice, match totals and deal with any buying differences.


This involves creating a new Purchase Invoice registration record, entering header details and then entering invoice totals.


Next comes the 'matching' procedure, which varies depending on the type of invoice you are registering:


There are procedures to deal with any buying differences. You may wish to issue a Debit Note to recoup any buying deficit from the supplier.


Once all lines have been allocated/matched, Purchase Invoice registration is complete. You may recall Passed Purchase Invoices from the Finder but they are not amendable.


See Purchase Invoice Registration And Matching.


NEXT: Working With Purchase Orders