Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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Configuring Your System For Carrier Maintenance

To set up your system for Carrier Maintenance, the following records will need to be created/edited/enabled. This section includes:

Supplier Records

A Supplier record must exist for each Carrier company you will potentially be working with, since these companies are supplying a delivery/shipping service.


The Carrier field - in the Main tab of the Supplier record - must be checked if the Supplier is a Carrier. (See also Carrier Records below.)



Carrier Records

Carrier records - which hold the name, address and other details of each Carrier company you will be using (i.e. each delivery service provider) - must also exist on the system. For example, you might create Carrier records corresponding to: Royal Mail; Parcelforce Worldwide; DHL; UPS; FedEx; TNT.


The Carrier Code field links each Carrier record with its corresponding Supplier and Site record.


Carrier records are created automatically when you either create a new Supplier record, or amend an existing Supplier record, on which the Carrier field is checked (i.e. the Supplier is flagged as a Carrier).


Alternatively you may create a Carrier record from scratch. See:

SERV Table File (Carrier Service Levels)

You will need to create values in the SERV (Carrier Service Levels) Table File corresponding to each 'Carrier Service level' you will make available for User/Customer selection across all Branches. SERV Table File values are generic and not linked to any particular Carrier.


For example, these values might be: Next day delivery by noon; Next day delivery; 2-day delivery; International standard delivery; International tracked and signed delivery.


See Adding, Editing And Deleting Table File Values.

Carrier Service Level Records

You will need to create Carrier Service Level records which define all of the Carrier and Carrier Service Level combinations you wish to make available at each of your Branches.


Each Carrier Service Level record links a Branch with a Carrier and Carrier Service Level the Branch may offer. Potentially each of your Branches could be associated with multiple Carrier Service Level Records.


For example, you might create the following Carrier Service Level records for your Warrington Branch:

... and so on. Therefore Users/Sales Clerks at your Warrington Branch will be able to offer customers all of the above Carrier and Carrier Service Level combinations.


Each Carrier Service Level record links a Branch with a Carrier and Carrier Service Level the Branch may offer. Each record specifies the cost of the service, whether a Consignment Note will be printed automatically, and whether the listed Carrier and Carrier Service Level combination will be the default for the listed Branch.


For each Branch you may specify one Carrier Service Level record as the default. For example, you might specify that the default Carrier and Carrier Service Level combination that will apply for your Warrington Branch is DHL - 2-day delivery.



Carriage Charge Bands

In order to be able to apply Carriage Charges to qualifying Customers (see above) on non-collected orders at Sales Order Completion (and additional stages in the Sales Order Processing cycle) you will need to set up a maximum of 12 Carriage Charge Bands in the Carriage Charge Bands control record. This will determine the applicable Carriage Charge value based on the total order/quote value (excluding VAT).


Qualifying Customers being charged Carriage Charges on an order will then - assuming other records and permissions are in place - be offered Carrier and Carrier Service options in the Add Delivery Charge to... window on Sales Order completion (see Adding Carriage Charges And Premium Delivery Charges) - and additional stages in the Sales Order Processing cycle).



Premium Delivery Charge Records

You may use Premium Delivery Charge records - one for each Premium Delivery Charging option - to make additional - or 'premium' - delivery charging options available on completion of a Sales Order (or Quote/Sales Enquiry). This charge may be applied in addition to, or instead of, Carriage Charges.


For example, you might set up a series of Premium Delivery Charges to make the following delivery/charging options available on completion of a Sales Order:

... and so on.


The Default Carrier Service Level field of the Premium Delivery Charge record defines the Carrier Service Level selected by default when this Premium Delivery Charge is selected in the Add Delivery Charge to... window on Sales Order completion (see Adding Carriage Charges And Premium Delivery Charges). The User may manually change these options as required.


For example: you have a Premium Delivery Charge record corresponding to 'Courier delivery by noon next day', on which the Default Carrier Service Level is 'Courier by noon next day'. Therefore, if the User selects the 'Courier delivery by noon next day' Premium Delivery Charge on Sales Order completion, the Carrier Service Level 'Courier by noon next day' is selected by default.


Note: The actual Carrier selected would either be 'None' or the 'Branch default' Carrier, depending whether or not 'Default' has been specified on the Carrier Service record for the current Branch and Carrier Service Level combination.



Customer Record (And Related Optional Enhancements)

To make the Customer subject to Carriage Charges and/or Premium Delivery Charges, so that the Add Delivery Charge... window displays the appropriate Carriage/Premium Delivery charging and additional Carrier-related options at Sales Order Completion (and additional stages in the Sales Order Processing cycle), the following fields must be checked on the Customer record > General Details Tab:

Note: The appearance of this and other Carriage Charge-related fields depends on the following Optional Enhancement being switched on: Price Book 686 - Order Entry: Carriage Charges By Order Value. See Optional Enhancements: Price Book Tab.

Note: The appearance of this and other Premium Delivery Charge-related fields depends on the following Optional Enhancement being switched on: Price Book 692 - Order Entry: Premium Delivery Charges. See Optional Enhancements: Price Book Tab.

Branch Records

You may optionally set up Carrier and Service defaults for your Branches in the following fields of the Branch record (Miscellaneous tab):


These defaults - if specified - will automatically be selected for the current Branch in the Carrier / Carrier Service fields in the Add Delivery Charge to... window on Sales Order completion (see Adding Carriage Charges And Premium Delivery Charges). The User may manually change these options as required.



User Records

The following tabs and fields in the User record relate to the printing of a Consignment Note (the final stage of the Sales Order Processing Cycle which relates to Carrier Maintenance):

The Automated Consignment Note Print (Collect Now / Delivered) fields determine whether a Consignment Note is printed automatically (if checked) or requires printing manually (if unchecked) for this user at the appropriate point in the Sales Order Processing cycle following Completion of a Collect Now or a Delivered Sales Order. See Entering Quantum User Fields Details.

The Consignment Note field determines the default print destination when a Consignment Note is printed for this User. See Defining User IO Control Fields.

User Permissions And Roles

The following User Permissions may be used to enable (or disable) features relating to Carrier details and Consignment Note printing:


User Permission



Sales Desk > All Sales Documents:


Show Carrier Details


Enabling this User Permission means the Carrier and Carrier Services fields will be displayed to the User at the following stages of the Sales Order Processing cycle (subject to the User's SOP settings):

Sales Desk > Consignment Note:




Enabling this User Permission means the User will be able to manually print/confirm a Consignment Note. See Printing/Confirming A Consignment Note Manually.


Manual Print


Enabling this User Permission means the User will be able to manually reprint a Consignment Note. See Printing/Confirming A Consignment Note Manually.




Enabling this User Permission means the User will be able to:


Enabling User Permissions

User Permissions are enabled or disabled for a User via the Role they have been assigned - see Creating Roles.


User Permissions may be switched on or off for the current session only by selecting Tools > User Permissions from the Toolbar - Main Menu to display the Edit User Session Permissions Window (requires supervisor permissions). Check the boxes to allow permissions to the relevant application functions, then click OK. The procedure is similar to that used when Creating Roles.


Note: Newly-created User Permissions are typically not set for a User when upgrading to a new release of Quantum VS.

XML Gateway ID Records

You will need to set up XML Gateway ID records - with an Account Type of 'Carrier (CAR)' - if you wish to enable the transmission of Consignment Notes/documents between Quantum VS and the Carrier company's own web interface via Quantum VS Highway. See Setting Up XML To PDF Document Printing.


NEXT: Carrier Service Selection And The Sales Order Processing Cycle