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Main Tab: Viewing A Supplier's Main Details

The Main tab shows general details and contact details for a selected Supplier.


To view a Supplier's Main details:


1.      Find and open the Supplier record for the required Supplier. See Finding Suppliers.


2.      The Main tab is selected by default:




These groups of fields show the following:



Definition (* = mandatory field)


General Details


Supplier *

Shows the Supplier Account Code - a three-part code made up of a unique series of letters and numbers assigned to the supplier.


They start with two characters - often the first two letters of the supplier's name - followed by up to seven numbers to represent the supplier, followed by four numbers to represent the site. For example, the code for the main site of the supplier AAP Internet might be AA/0000108/0001.


Name *

Shows the full company name of the supplier here; e.g. AAP Internet Ltd.


Short Name *

Shows the supplier's Short Name. This is a code of between one and sixteen UPPER CASE letters.


The short name is often a cut down version of the full company name, or an alias or nickname the company is known by. For example, AAP Internet Ltd might have a short name of AAP.


Address / Post Code


Shows the supplier's full company address and post code.


Temporary Account


If checked, this field denotes that this is a time-limited Supplier account.


Internal Account


If checked, this field denotes that this is an 'internal' Supplier account, meaning associated Purchase Orders will never be invoiced. Internal Suppliers are used in Works Order Processing.


Method of Order Placing *


Shows the default method by which Purchase Orders should be placed to this supplier. For example: phone, fax, post etc.


Allow Back Order *


This field denotes what should happen to the outstanding balance if, when receiving goods into stock on a Goods Received Note, the quantity of goods received is less than the quantity expected.


The following options are available:


  • Process: Automatically process the outstanding balance (i.e. place the missing/damaged goods on back order).   

  • Cancel: Automatically delete/cancel the outstanding balance (i.e. do not place the missing/damaged goods on back order).           

  • Optional: Give the user the option to delete the outstanding balance.


If Optional is selected, the fields Cancel Balance and Reason Code are displayed in the GRN/Goods Received Variance window when receiving goods into stock on a Goods Received Note. The user may cancel the outstanding balance by checking the Cancel Balance field and selecting a reason for doing so from the Reason Code menu. See Recording Goods Received Variance (or, if it is a timber product, Recording Goods Received Variance For Timber Products).




If Multi Currency Buying is not active, this field shows the currency used by the supplier.


Currency Code *


If Multi Currency Buying is active, this field shows the buying currency used by the supplier.


Note: Multi Currency Buying is switched on in Optional Enhancements: option 111 in the Purchase Ordering tab. When Multi Currency Buying is switched on, buying costs held against products for the main and alternative suppliers are in the Supplier's currency rather than the 'home' currency. If the supplier deals in an different currency to the 'home' currency the cost will not need to be converted when buying from any branch of this supplier.

Luckins Code


This field may be used to link an existing Supplier record with a Luckins Supplier (i.e. a Supplier included in the Luckins catalogue update). If required, enter the Luckins Supplier Code in this field.


Note: For further details see Luckins Product Maintenance.

General Details (2)


Minimum Order Value


Shows the default minimum order value that the supplier will accept. This defaults to zero but an alternative value may be entered.


Parent Account / Parent Account Name


If this Supplier is a 'child' of a 'parent' company as recorded in Quantum Financials, the 'parent's' Supplier Account Code and name are recorded here.


Pricing Flag


Shows the pricing method which will apply for supplier orders. There are two options:


  • Price at entry only - price the Purchase Order using prices available at the time the order is raised

  • Also price at delivery - price the Purchase Order using prices available when the goods are delivered/received


3rd Party Haulage


This field may be checked to enable the use/entry of a third-party haulier (i.e. a haulage company which is a different company from the supplier) to transport goods purchased from this supplier to your company premises.


If this field is checked: When a Goods Received Note is created for goods being received following a purchase from this supplier, the user has the option to enter the Supplier account code of the third-party haulier - see Entering Haulage Details For Goods Received. When the GRN is Confirmed, the system creates a record of the haulage cost. This can then be matched against the value of invoices received from the third-party haulier in Purchase Invoice Registration.




If checked, this field denotes that this Supplier also provides Carrier services. See Carrier Maintenance.


Settlement Discount


Shows the percentage discount offered by the supplier for settling invoices within a specified time period.


From / To


Dates entered here refer to the dates between which the Settlement Discount is valid.


Print Costs On PO

This field is checked if values are to be printed on the Purchase Order.


Cost Presentation


Shows Cost Presentation settings for this Supplier, which control how prices/cost and quantities are printed on Purchase Orders and Goods Received Notes for this Supplier. One of the following will be displayed:


  • Supplier default Cost Prices Print Setting; i.e. use the default print costs method for Purchase Orders and GRNs (as defined by the Priced GRNs field on the Branch record) for this Supplier/Branch combination.

  • Print Purchase Order Cost Prices (A); i.e. print the Cost Price and extended line value on Purchase Orders for this Supplier.

  • Print Purchase Order And GRN Cost Prices (B); i.e. print the Cost Price and extended line value on Purchase Orders for this Supplier, PLUS:

    • If the Priced GRNs field on the Branch record is checked: the GRN will be printed with the cost price and extended line value, but the expected quantity will not be printed. OR:

    • If the Priced GRNs field on the Branch record is NOT checked:


Next Batch No


This field is used when booking 'Batch Ref'-flagged products into stock on a Goods Received Note and the Batch Receipt Sequence field - in the Batch Trace tab of the Price Book Flags control record is set to S - Supplier Automatic Numbering.


Here you may enter a default Batch Reference number comprising up to 18 numeric characters. This is used when assigning a unique Batch Reference Number to each 'batch' of items booked in. The value is then incremented.


For example, if the 'default' value entered here is 000000000012131545, the next Batch Reference Number assigned automatically when a batch record is created will be 000000000012131546 (i.e. +1), and so on.


Contact Details


Telephone / Fax


Shows the Supplier's main contact telephone and fax numbers.


EDI Text


Show any EDI Text recorded for this Supplier. EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange, a method of exchanging information with external applications.


Email / Additional Email


Show the Supplier's main and additional contact email addresses.




Show the Supplier's listed Contacts.


You may also add Contacts in the Supplier Contacts tab - see Adding Supplier Contacts.


Editing Supplier Main Details

To edit any of the fields within the Main tab, click Amend on the Toolbar - Sub Menu, edit the fields as necessary, then click Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the amended record. See Editing A Supplier Record.


NEXT: Notes Tab: Viewing Supplier Notes