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Price Book Flags: Batch Trace Record

The Batch Trace tab of the Price Book Flags control record has various flags relating to product batch traceability on your system.


Note: These settings are required if you will be using product 'batch traceability'. For further details see Product Batch Traceability Maintenance.


To set up/edit the Price Book Flags - Batch Trace record:


1.      Do the following, as described in Price Book Flags Maintenance:


2.      With the Batch Trace tab/header selected, select the appropriate options under the various available fields using the following as a guide:




Note: You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.



Definition (* = secure field)


Batch Receipt Sequence (*)


This field determines how batch reference numbers are assigned to Batch Ref-flagged products when they are 'booked in' on a Goods Received Note.


Note: The way in which a product is flagged for 'batch traceability' - i.e. whether it is classed as a Batch Ref, Multi-Bin or Serial No product - is set in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field, in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record (see Entering Stock Details).


The options are:

  • Manual Batch Numbers (M): The user must enter a Batch No manually....

  • Global Batch Numbers (G): A unique Batch No is generated automatically (determined by the number held in the Next Batch No field in the Purchasing tab of the Price Book General control record)...

  • Supplier Batch Numbers (S): A unique Batch No is generated automatically (determined by the number held in the Next Batch No field in the Main tab of the Supplier record of the Supplier who delivered the goods - see Entering Supplier Main Details)...

...when 'Batch Ref'-flagged goods are received into stock on a Goods Received Note.


Notes: (1) When Multi-Bin products are 'booked in', goods are automatically assigned a Batch No derived from the Purchase Order number. (2) When Serial No products are 'booked in', the user must enter a Serial No manually. See Allocating Batch/Bin/Serial Number Details At Goods Receipt.

Batch Inspection Flag (*)


This field can be used to apply a default value in the Batch Inspection Flag field (in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record) when a new Product record is created (see Entering Stock Details).


This field applies only to products flagged 'Batch Reference' or 'Serial Numbering' in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field of the Product record.


The Batch Inspection Flag setting determines whether incoming 'Batch Reference' or 'Serial Number' goods will be held for inspection when 'booked in' on a Goods Received Note. The options are:

  • Automatic (A): Incoming batches will automatically be held for inspection.

  • Manual (M): The user has the option to specify - either on the Purchase Order line or when booking the goods in via a Goods Received Note - that incoming batches will be held for inspection.

  • None (N): No incoming batches will be held for inspection - and can therefore be sold immediately.

Note: Incoming batches held for inspection cannot be sold until they have been released (i.e. their status has been updated to 'available'). See Editing A Product Inventory Record.

Batch Allocation Sequence (*)


This field determines the main sequence in which Batch/Bin/Serial-numbered stock is allocated automatically by the system (and presented for user selection) on sales documents. The options are:

  • Ascending Receipt Date (D)

  • Descending Receipt Date (d)

  • Ascending Batch Number (N)

  • Descending Batch Number (n)

  • Ascending Free Quantity (Q)

  • Descending Free Quantity (q)

  • Ascending Free Weight (W)

  • Descending Free Weight (w)

  • Ascending Bin Location (B)

  • Descending Bin Location (b)


For example, with the Ascending Bin Location option selected, batches from the first available bin location are allocated first. When there is no more stock in that location to add, stock from the second bin location is allocated, and so on.


Batch Allocation Sequence 2 / 3 (*)


You may optionally define a sub-sequence and sub-sub-sequence within the main Batch Allocation Sequence to determine the order in which Batch/Bin/Serial-numbered stock is allocated automatically by the system (and presented for user selection) on sales documents.


The default option is None, but any of the options available for Batch Allocation Sequence (above) may be selected.


For example, with the following options selected:

  • Batch Allocation Sequence = Ascending Bin Location

  • Batch Allocation Sequence 2 = Ascending Receipt Date

  • Batch Allocation Sequence 3 = Ascending Free Quantity


Batches will therefore be allocated in ascending Bin Location order (i.e. batches from the first available bin location are allocated first). When there are multiple batches to allocate from that bin location, Batch Allocation Sequence 2 is used, meaning batches are allocated in receipt date order (oldest first). If there are also multiple batches with the same receipt date to allocate, Batch Allocation Sequence 3 is used, meaning batches are allocated in free quantity order (smallest first).


Default Batch Bin Serial Flag


This field can be used to apply a default value in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field (in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record) when a new Product record is created (see Entering Stock Details).


The Default Batch Bin Serial Flag setting defines whether or not a product will, by default, be flagged as 'batch traceable' and the 'batch traceability' method used.


The options are:

  • None: New products will not be automatically flagged for batch traceability.

  • Batch Reference (B): New products will be automatically flagged for batch traceability using the Batch Reference method. This enables stock to be allocated a unique batch number when it is booked in. Stock can then be traced according to its batch number, both within and after it has left the warehouse.

  • Multi-Bin (M): New products will be automatically flagged for batch traceability using the Multi-Bin method, meaning it is assigned a bin location when it is booked in. This option is used when a record must be kept of the physical areas (or 'bins') where stock is held, but where traceability of the stock once it has left the warehouse is not required.

  • Serial Numbering (S): New products will be automatically flagged for batch traceability using the Serial Numbering method. This option is similar to Batch Trace (above), except each individual item of stock is allocated its own Serial Number.


Note: * = secure field


3.      When you have finished setting up the Price Book Flags - Selling Record, click Save on the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the amended record, or select other Price Book Flags tabs/headers for viewing/editing as appropriate.


NEXT: Price Book Flags: Miscellaneous Record