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Note Maintenance

Notes may be created as a means of recording general information about a particular Customer, Supplier or Product and to 'pop up' information at relevant points in the sales or purchasing procedure.

Notes - FAQs

How Do I Create A Note?

Notes may be created for an individual:


Why Should I Create A Note?

There are various reasons why it might be useful to create a Note. For example:


Customer Notes might be created:


Supplier Notes might be created:


Product Notes might be created:


What Type Of Note Can I Create?

There are basically two types of Note which can be created:


For further details see 'Where And When Do Notes Display?' below.


How Do I View A Note?

Saved Notes can be viewed from the Notes tab of the relevant record. See:


If the 'Popup' option was selected when the Note was created, the Note will also display when the Customer, Supplier or Product is added to a sales/purchasing document.


How Do I Edit A Note?

To edit an existing Note see:


How Do I Delete A Note?

To delete an existing Note see:


How Do I Find A Note?

Notes are not generally accessible from the Finder. However, you may find/list Notes for a particular Customer, Product or Supplier by following the steps in 'How Do I View A Note?' above.


Where And When Do Notes Display?

When a Note has been created for a particular Customer, Supplier or Product, the Note will display as follows:


If the Popup option was selected when the Note was created, the Note will also display as a pop-up:

Note: Product Note pop-ups may optionally be limited to displaying only in sales or purchasing documents. If the One Shot option was selected, the Note will pop-up once only. Customer Notes may optionally be limited to display only for 'Credit Control' users.


What Should I Do When A Note Displays?

If a pop-up Note window displays when you add a Customer, Supplier or Product to a sales/purchasing document, close the window by clicking [F12] or [Esc] once you have read the text - and take any actions as recommended. If necessary, scroll down and/or click an arrow key to move to the next/previous page.


How Can I See Who Created/Updated A Note?

Open the Note - as described in 'How Do I View A Note?' above - then click the Details tab to view creation and changes information for the current Note:




What Are Progress Notes?

Progress Notes are another type of Note which may be created. These may be added to a Purchase Order or Goods Received Note to record the details of the order's progress and any changes to expected/target/ship dates. See Progress Notes.


NEXT: Supplier Maintenance