Quantum VS Help: File Maintenance

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User Defined Data Maintenance

User Defined Fields are 'user configurable' fields which can be added to a range of document types. This enables Users to record, view and analyse data in fields you have defined, based on your business's own needs and requirements.


Setting up User Defined Fields enables you to extend the scope of the existing Quantum VS record types. For example, trade-specific quality assurance codes or drawing number references might be recorded against a Product record. Similarly, unique detail might be added to Customer, Customer Part Number and Supplier records, such as classification status, or extended address/delivery information. It is also possible to set up and record User Defined details on Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Purchase Order lines.


For further details see:

User Defined Data Maintenance FAQs

How Are User Defined Fields Set Up And Maintained?

User Defined Fields are set up and maintained in the User Defined Data Maintenance screen, typically by a System Administrator. See Accessing User Defined Data Maintenance.


Fields may be created for the appropriate document type (Sales Order, for example), with the desired properties. See Creating User Defined Fields.


Once created, each User Defined Field then displays within that document type, allowing data for the current record to be added and amended.


If necessary you may edit and delete your User Defined Fields within the User Defined Data Maintenance screen.


Which Quantum VS Document Types Can Incorporate User Defined Fields?

User Defined Fields may be created for the following Quantum VS document types:


What Kind Of Data Can Be Recorded In User Defined Fields?

The following data types are available when creating a User Defined Field:


An additional option, available for 'Text' type User Defined Fields only, is to set up a series of Analysis Field menu options for User selection. For example: you create a 'Text' type User Defined Field within Sales Orders called 'Order Value', with the following menu options: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. When a Sales Order is open the User will be able to select the User Defined Field tab and use the Order Value menu to select 'High', 'Medium', or 'Low'.


Where In Quantum VS Do User Defined Fields Display?

Once created, User Defined Fields can display in a number of possible areas.


Typically, User Defined Fields display in a tab within the chosen document type. You may view User Defined details for a:


The following document types do not have a separate User Defined Fields tab. You may view User Defined details for a:


User Defined Fields may also be configured to display in the Properties panel when Sales or Purchasing documents are displayed. For example, User Defined Fields created for:

...of the Properties area when a Sales Order is open, providing useful information for the Sales Clerk.


In addition, User Defined Fields may be configured to display in the Finder for the chosen document type. For example, User Defined Fields created for Sales Orders and Purchase Orders can be displayed in the Sales Orders and Purchase Orders Finders. This enables the filtering and selection of records based on User Defined data.


How Do I Record User Defined Details?

You may record User Defined details for a Customer, Customer Part Number, Product, Supplier, Sales Order, Purchase Order and Purchase Order Line. See Adding, Editing And Deleting User Defined Details.


How Do I Record User Defined Details?

A range of methods are possible for viewing User Defined details for a Customer, Customer Part Number, Product, Supplier, Sales Order, Purchase Order and Purchase Order Line. See Viewing User Defined Details.


NEXT: Accessing User Defined Data Maintenance