Quantum VS Help: Purchasing |
If some Purchase Order items were not delivered, or were damaged or incorrect, you have the option to cancel the delivery of the missing/incorrect items. This is done by checking the Cancel Balance field in the Goods Received Variance window (or, if it is a timber product, in the Goods Received Timber Entry window).
If, however, you did not cancel the balance and wish to have the missing/incorrect items delivered:
When you confirm the original Goods Received Note, the GRN Status field on the original purchase order will show Part Delivered, indicating that you are expecting delivery of the missing/incorrect/damaged/etc. goods. See Purchase Order Types, States And GRN Status.
When you later receive these items you will need to raise an additional Goods Received Note. To do this:
1. Locate and open the original Purchase Order. See Finding Purchase Orders.
2. On the Toolbar - Sub-Menu click Create GRN.
Note: If the Purchase Order's GRN Status is anything other than All Delivered - indicating that you are still expecting deliveries on this order - the Create GRN option will still be available.
3. A new Goods Received Note will open, with header details already completed. Enter the Date Delivered and the Supplier Advice Note details (see Entering Goods Received Note Header Details) then click [Tab] to retrieve line details from the Purchase Order.
4. Any lines you are still expecting will be retrieved, showing the totals Expected and Received. Go though the 'booking in' procedure for the received goods - see Booking In Stock On A Goods Received Note - before Confirming and printing the Goods Received Note. Details on the Purchase Order will then be updated.
Note that:
If there is still any variance (i.e. the amount Received is different from the amount Expected), or if you need to update the line's Cost Price/Standard Cost/Product Description, you will need to click the Received hyperlink on the line and enter details in the Goods Received Variance window (or, if it is a Timber product, the Goods Received Timber Entry window).
If you are expecting further deliveries on the Purchase Order you will need to raise additional Goods Received Notes using the above method when the goods are received.
If the supplier invoices you for stock you did not receive, you have the option - following Purchase Invoice Registration - of issuing them with a Debit Note to refund the difference between the cost of items you were invoiced for (or paid for) and the cost of items you actually received. See Registering A Buying Loss.