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Default Product Records Maintenance

Default Product records are records which enable you to apply default settings when the following Product types are created:


You may configure these default Product records so that when a user creates a new standard, Sheet, Timber or Luckins Product, certain predefined field settings/entries exist, depending on the type of Product being created. This saves the time and effort of re-keying data when creating new Product records.


To set up or edit the settings in your Default Product Records see Editing Default Product Records below.


Note: Certain fields from your Default Product Records are used when creating a Special Product and adding it to a sales document. Special lines are used for entering Product lines not listed on your database, where you are effectively creating a Product record 'on the fly'. This may happen if the Product has no standard Supplier, has no product code, is only available for a short period, is not normally stocked or sold by the Branch, or has been ordered by the Branch for the Customer as a one-off. See Special Lines And Sales Documents.

Editing Default Product Records

To set up or edit Default Product records:


1.      From the Toolbar Main Menu: select Edit then select Default Product Records;


...then select one of the following from the menu:


The selected Default Product record type will open in a new tab.


Note: Default Product records have the following Product Codes: Default Standard Product = N-SPECIAL; Default Sheet Product = S-SPECIAL; Default Timber Product = T-SPECIAL; Default Luckins Product = L-SPECIAL.


2.      The record is now active and ready for editing. Note that the Default Product record - as with a non-default Product record - has a series of tabs/headers.


The Main tab/header is shown by default:




Set up the chosen Default Product record by entering/altering your default settings for each field, for each of the following tabs/headers:

Note: Certain fields - coloured yellow - are mandatory. You may use your [Tab] key to move from one field to the next.


3.      When you have finished, select Save from the Toolbar - Sub Menu to save the Default Product record.


4.      If necessary, repeat the procedure for the other available Default Product record types.

After Your Default Product Records Have Been Saved

Once you have saved your Default Product records, any Standard, Timber, Sheet or Luckins Product you create will contain your predefined settings. You may edit these as you wish. See Creating A New Product Record.


NEXT: Tools To Generate Product Sales