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Sales Desk Processes

The following processes are available in the 'Sales Desk' category. Click the links for further details:





Add Automatic Forward Prices


Enables you to update price and/or cost details for a range of products in advance of a specified date. You have the option of (a) altering the Gross Price held on any or all Price Bands by a specified percentage, (b) updating the Regulator Discount held on any or all Price Bands, and/or (c) updating Supplier Buying Costs and/or Buying Terms.


Note: After running this process you must run the Apply Forward Prices process to physically apply the 'forward' prices/costs to the product record.

Add Promotional Forward Prices


Enables you to enter or update, in advance of a specified date, Promotional prices or discounts for selected products for a selected period.


Note: After running this process you must run the Apply Forward Prices process to physically apply the 'forward' prices/costs to the product record.

Add Quantity Break Forward Price


Enables you to enter or update, in advance of a specified date, Quantity Break discounts for selected products.


Note: After running this process you must run the Apply Forward Prices process to physically apply the 'forward' prices/costs to the product record.

Add Supplier Movement Forward Price


Enables you to swap - for a selected product or products - the Main and Alternative 1/2 suppliers, applying the details on a specified future date. For example, for a specific product you might wish to replace the Main Supplier with the Alternative 1 Supplier, with no change to the Alternative 2 Supplier.


Note: After running this process you must run the Apply Forward Prices process to physically apply the 'forward' prices/costs to the product record.

Apply Forward Prices


The Apply Forward Prices process is used to apply product price/cost updates held in the Forward Price file to the appropriate Product records. There is a 'report only' option whereby you may generate a report of prices/cost updates entered using Quantum VS Price Importer, rather than applying the updates.


Note: Forward Prices may be added using Manual Pricing, the Quantum VS Price Importer tool, or one of the available price/cost update Processes. See Updating Product Prices And Costs.

Build Associated Products


Builds a list of 'associated' products based on past sales. When a product is added to a sales document, a list of 'associated' products - i.e. 'People who bought this product also bought...' - will be displayed within the Product section of the Properties Area of the sales document.


Build Top Sellers


Builds a list of five 'top selling products' for each product group, based on past sales. When a product is added to a sales document, a list of Top Sellers for that product's product group will be displayed within the Product section of the Properties Area of the sales document.


Bulk Back Order Release


Batch releases Sales Orders which were placed on Back Order due to insufficient stock but can now be satisfied/released as the stock is now available.


Bulk Credit Confirmation


Enables the bulk Confirmation of multiple Credit Notes so that invoices can then be raised against them. This process allows you to flag those Credits not already flagged as 'invoiceable' and allows you to specify 'restocking' charges which will appear on the Sales Credit.


Bulk Despatch Confirmation


Enables the bulk Confirmation of multiple Despatch Notes so that Sales Invoices can then be raised against them, rather than having to manually confirm individual Despatch Notes.


Copy Special Prices



Copies Special Prices which apply for one Customer Account to another Customer Account.


Create Standing Order Sales Orders


Generate Sales Orders based on existing Standing Orders set up for your Customers. You may limit this by Branch, Standing Order Schedule, date and/or Route Round delivery as required.


Forward Order Document Release


Generates Picking/Despatch Notes (subject to the User's 'Order Flag' settings) for Sales Orders/order lines which have been held because the Required Date on the Sales Order header or on the line itself is outside the value held in the Process Days Prior To Required field in the Selling tab of the Price Book General control record.


Forward Order Stock Allocation


Releases stock to Forward Orders/Forward Order lines based on their Allocation Date. Can also be used to compile a report of Forward Orders/Forward Order lines based on the criteria you enter.


Last Price Paid Clear Down


Deletes entries from the Last Price Paid file.


Margin Adjustment


Enables you to update, by a specified percentage, the price or cost of selected products in advance of a specified date. These are added to the Forward Price file and applied automatically on the specified Effective Date. There are three basic options:

  • The Sell option enables you to increase or decrease the product's 'sell price' on any Price Band from 1 to 12 by a specified percentage.

  • The Cost option enables you to increase or decrease the product's Supplier Base Costs (for the Main Supplier, Alternate 1/2 Suppliers or a selected Supplier) by a specified percentage.

  • The Revision option enables you to use the product's existing (a) Supplier Base Cost, (b) Standard Cost or (c) 'sell price' on a selected Price Band as a base value, and update the Standard Cost, Supplier Base Cost and/or 'sell price' on any or all remaining Price Bands by a percentage increase or decrease on the base value. For example, you might select Selling Band 1 as the 'Base Standard Band' and enter +5% against Selling Band 2. Therefore the new Selling Band 2 price for the product will be the Selling Band 1 price plus 5%.

Note: After running this process you must run the Apply Forward Prices process to physically apply the 'forward' prices/costs to the product record.

Price Book Period End


Deletes various transaction and record types up to the date entered.


Record Card Clear Down


Deletes entries from the Record Card file.


Sales Invoice Print


Prints out invoices which have been generated using the Sales Invoice Update process. The process may also be used to re-print (i.e. print a copy of) invoices which have already been printed, and also to generate a report of invoices with a zero value.


Sales Invoice Update


Locates Sales Orders on which the payment, picking and despatch stages have been completed but an invoice has not yet been raised, and creates invoices on the system for these orders.


The Sales Invoice Update process will also locate Credit Notes which have been flagged as 'invoiceable' but have not yet been invoiced, and create invoices (i.e. Sales Invoice Credits) on the system for these Credit Notes.


This process may also be used to generate invoices for Cash sales and credits.


Semi Automatic Forward Pricing


Enables you to set a 'forward' selling and/or cost price for a range of products in advance of a specified date, which will then be applied on or after the 'effective date'.


You may choose whether to apply a 'forward price' for the product's:

  • Selling Price (i.e. the product's Gross Price applied by the relevant Price Band);

  • Base Cost (i.e. the product's buying cost used by the Normal, Alternate 1 or Alternate 2 Supplier);

  • Standard Cost (i.e. the product's fixed cost, set by you); or

  • Promotional Price.

Note: After running this process you must run the Apply Forward Prices process to physically apply the 'forward' prices/costs to the product record.


NEXT: Add Automatic Forward Prices