Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Direct Sales Orders

A Direct Order is a type of Sales Order in which goods are ordered directly from a Supplier, who will deliver the goods to the Customer. See Creating And Completing A Direct Sales Order.


Note: It is also possible to create Direct Quotes, Sales Enquiries, Sales Contracts on which you will specify the Supplier to be used from any resultant Sales Order. Direct Credit Notes - which result from a Direct Sales Order - may also be created.

Differences Between Direct Orders And Other Order Types

With a standard 'stock' Sales Order the goods ordered by the Customer come from your (the merchant's) warehouse or retail stock and are either delivered to, or taken away by, the Customer. With a Direct Order, you (the merchant) act as the middleman: following Sales Order Completion a Purchase Order is printed and issued to the Supplier, who will deliver the goods to your Customer and issue you with an invoice.


Direct Orders are similar to Back-To-Back Orders in that, following Sales Order Completion, a Purchase Order is typically raised and issued to the Supplier automatically. However, with Back-To-Back Orders you (the merchant) receive stock from the Supplier before issuing it to the Customer, whereas with a Direct Order all fulfilment after order completion is handled by the Supplier.


How Direct Sales Orders may be edited and invoiced is also different from standard 'stock' Sales Orders and Back-To-Back Orders.

Raising, Editing And Invoicing A Direct Sales Order: Standard Procedure

The standard procedure for raising a Direct Sales Order is similar to creating a standard Sales Order, except you must select the Delivery Type 'Direct' in the Sales Order header: this creates an additional tab in the Sales Order - Supplier - in which you must specify the Supplier. You then enter Product and other lines as required and Complete the Sales Order. Customer payment is then taken if it is a 'Cash' sale. See Creating And Completing A Direct Sales Order.


For processing Direct Sales Orders, your system will typically be configured so that a Purchase Order - addressed to the Supplier and featuring the ordered products - is generated on Completion. The 'printed' Purchase Order will be issued to the Supplier, who will fulfil the order and send your their invoice. You will then begin the Purchase Invoice Registration and matching/allocation procedure. For further details see Direct Orders After Sales Order Completion.


If it is an 'Account' Direct sale, the Sales Order is automatically 'held' on Completion, preventing it from being automatically invoiced. A Despatch Note is created automatically on Completion of the Direct Sales Order. Confirming the Despatch Note makes the 'confirmed as despatched' items invoiceable. Despatch Notes may be Confirmed manually; although if Optional Enhancement Price Book 688 is enabled, Despatch Note Confirmation and the raising of a Sales Invoice happens automatically following the Purchase Invoice Registration and matching/allocation procedure. The procedure for confirming despatch and dealing with sales and purchase invoicing is described in 'Account' Directs And Invoicing After Sales Order Completion.


Provided the Sales Order has not been fully invoiced, it can be recalled, amended and potentially cancelled. Updates made on the Direct Sales Order are also applied to the Purchase Order while the order is 'held'. Similarly, if a Direct Sales Order is cancelled, the associated Purchase Order is also cancelled. For further details on editing (or cancelling) a 'held' Direct Sales Order - including manually Confirming Despatch Notes to make the Direct Sales Order invoiceable - see Editing Direct Sales Orders.


If it is a 'Cash' Direct sale, systems are typically configured so that a Sales Invoice is raised automatically following Completion of the Sales Order and payment by the Customer. The procedure for confirming despatch and dealing with sales and purchase invoicing is described in 'Cash' Directs And Invoicing After Sales Order Completion.


Note: New rules on the processing of Direct Orders have applied since the release of Quantum VS. See Changes To Rules Governing Direct Orders.

Direct Sales Orders: System Options

Various system fields control how a Direct Sales Order is processed after Completion. In systems processing Direct Orders:

The following Optional Enhancements (Price Book tab) also relate to Direct Sales Orders:

Note: An additional field relating to Direct Sales Orders is Direct Transaction Type in the Miscellaneous tab of the Price Book Flags record, which defines how a Direct Sales Order is shown in the Stock transactions record. The options are to check the field, which stores the record as a type 'ISS' (general issue), or leave the field unchecked, which stores the record as a type 'D/D' (Direct). This is used to distinguish Direct sales from the other Sales Order types.


As with standard 'stock' Sales Orders, the User's ability to raise a Sales Invoice for Direct Sales Orders is subject to various system flags/settings. For further details see Direct Orders After Sales Order Completion.


Direct Sales Contracts, Sales Orders And Purchase Orders (Bulk Order Call Offs)

When Direct Sales Orders - and Purchase Orders - are generated from a Direct Sales Contract, the Call Off Quantity field on the Sales Contract may be hyperlinked. This enables the user to cross reference each Product line on the original Sales Contract with the associated Sales Order, Purchase Order, Sales Invoice and Purchase Invoice.


This feature is enabled by switching on the following Optional Enhancements (Price Book tab):

For further details see Direct Sales Contracts And Bulk Order Call Offs.


This section covers:


NEXT: Creating And Completing A Direct Sales Order