Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Editing Direct Sales Orders

An 'Account' Direct Sales Order is 'held' on Completion, preventing it from being invoiced automatically. Provided the Sales Order has not been fully invoiced, it can be recalled and amended. Updates made on the Direct Sales Order are also applied to the Purchase Order while the order is 'held'.


To release a 'held' Direct Sales Order for editing - and/or to manually Confirm Despatch Notes to make the Sales Order invoiceable - see Opening A 'Held' Direct Sales Order For Editing/Invoicing.


Note: The main guidance in this section applies to 'Account' Direct Orders. For guidance on 'Cash' Direct Orders, which are not held on Completion, see Editing 'Cash' Direct Sales Orders.

Reasons For Editing A 'Held' Direct Order

There are various reasons why you might wish to recall a 'held' Direct Sales Order. For example, you might want to:

Changes To Rules Governing Direct Orders

Current rules governing Direct Sales Order have applied since the release. Before Quantum VS

Opening A 'Held' Direct Sales Order For Editing/Invoicing

'Account' Direct Sales Orders are automatically 'held' on Completion. To open a 'held' Direct Sales Order - for review, editing and/or Despatch Note Confirmation prior to sales invoicing:


1.      Find and open the Sales Order. See Finding Sales Orders.


To list only 'Direct/Held' Sales Orders: (1) make Sales Orders active in the Finder; (2) click Advanced on the Finder toolbar to display the Search filter fields; (3) uncheck all the Delivery Type fields except Directs, then (4) uncheck all the Order Status fields except Held, then (5) click the Search icon.


When you open the Sales Order the following header fields should read:

to indicate that this is a Direct/Held Sales Order:




2.      You may now review Product lines and quantities on the Direct Sales Order.


To edit details on the Sales Order, click Amend on the Toolbar - Sub Menu (as pictured above).


3.      Edit the 'held' Direct Sales Order as required. For example, you might wish to:

Note: Any discrepancies can potentially be dealt with as part of the Purchase Invoice Registration and matching/allocation procedure. For example, the Supplier may have invoiced you for too much or too little, or may have consolidated items from more than one Purchase Order onto one invoice. See Dealing With Buying Differences.


4.      Complete (or re-Complete) the Direct Sales Order if required - see Completing Sales Orders.


5.      If necessary you may review details on the associated Purchase Order. Any updates made to the 'held' Direct Sales Order are also applied to the Purchase Order.


To open the associated Purchase Order:




Note: 'Direct' Purchase Orders may also be opened using the Finder: see Finding Purchase Orders. To list only 'Direct' Purchase Orders: click Advanced on the Finder toolbar to display the Search filter fields; uncheck all the Order Type fields except Direct Orders; then click the Search icon.


6.      If necessary you may manually Confirm the Despatch Note in order to release the Direct Sales Order from 'held' status and make it Sales Invoiceable.


To open the associated Despatch Note:

Note: Despatch Notes may also be opened using the Finder: see Finding Despatch Notes.


You may now manually confirm the Despatch Note (see Confirming A Despatch Note Manually) and/or confirm individual lines and record variance as necessary (see Confirming Lines And Recording Variance On Despatch Notes).


When one or more Despatch Notes have been Confirmed, Sales Invoices may be raised against those Confirmed Despatch Notes. For further details see Working With Sales Invoices.


Note: Any outstanding lines are put onto a new 'Unconfirmed' Despatch Note. Sales Invoices may not be raised against an 'Unconfirmed' Despatch Note.

Editing 'Cash' Direct Sales Orders

'Cash' Direct Sales Orders are not held on Completion, meaning the editing procedure is different compared to 'Account' Directs (as described above).


Typically, with 'Cash' Directs a Sales Invoice is raised automatically on Sales Order Completion if the Customer has paid in full and Optional Enhancement Price Book 654 is enabled, meaning the Sales Order may no longer be edited. If, however, the Customer has not paid in full and/or the Optional Enhancement Price Book 654 is not enabled but the order has not been fully invoiced, the Sales Order may be edited in the same way as for standard 'stock' Sales Orders. See Editing Sales Orders.


NEXT: Back-To-Back Sales And Purchase Orders