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Direct Orders After Sales Order Completion

Once the Direct Sales Order has been Completed it will need to proceed through the despatch and sales and purchase invoicing stages. The procedure varies slightly, depending on whether it is a 'Cash' or 'Account' sale, and which system settings and options are enabled.


This section covers:

'Account' Directs And Invoicing After Sales Order Completion

'Account' Direct Sales Orders are 'held' on Completion, preventing them from being invoiced automatically.


In a typical Account Direct sale, when the Sales Order is Completed a Despatch Note is generated, and a Purchase Order is also generated and issued to the Supplier.


Later, when the goods have been delivered by the Supplier and you have received their Purchase Invoice, you can begin the Purchase Invoice Registration and matching/line allocation procedure. When all lines invoiced by the Supplier have been matched against your Purchase Order, the Purchase Order is marked as 'Invoiced', meaning the order has been 'purchase invoiced'. A Sales Invoice can also be generated automatically on Completion of the Purchase Invoice Registration and matching/line allocation procedure. Alternatively, the User may manually 'release' (i.e. open) the 'held' Sales Order and Confirm Despatch Notes; a Sales Invoice can then be raised against any Confirmed Despatch Note - as described below.


The following describes how an 'Account' Direct may be invoiced once the Sales Order has been Completed, depending on how your system settings and options are set:


Purchase Invoicing Of 'Account' Directs

For processing Direct Sales Orders, your system is typically configured so that a Purchase Order - addressed to the Supplier and featuring the ordered products - is generated on Sales Order Completion.


Note: This is enabled by checking the Direct Purchase Order field in the Miscellaneous tab of Price Book Flags Maintenance. If the Direct Purchase Order field is not checked, a Purchase Order is not created automatically on Completion of a Direct Sales Order. In this case the User will need to follow the procedure for raising a standard 'stock' Purchase Order; i.e. manually create a Purchase Order, enter header details - including the Supplier - and product details, then Complete and print the Purchase Order. See Working With Purchase Orders.


The Purchase Order is 'printed' according to the print method set for the document type 'Purchase Order' in your User record > IO Control Fields tab. For example, it may be physically printed - via a specified printer - to be issued to the Supplier manually, sent to a specified email address or fax number for the Supplier, or saved to disk. For further details see Completing And Printing Purchase Orders.


The Purchase Order may be opened from the Sales Order's Tracking tab or from the Finder - see Finding Purchase Orders. The Status of the Purchase Order immediately after Completion of the Direct Sales Order will be 'Undelivered', indicating that the order has not yet been delivered/invoiced.


On receipt of your Purchase Order the Supplier will fulfil the order by delivering the goods to your Customer. The Supplier will then issue you - the merchant - with their invoice.


When you receive the Supplier's invoice you may begin Purchase Invoice Registration. When all line totals on the Purchase Invoice have been matched/allocated against the totals on the Purchase Order, so that the Purchase Invoice is marked as Completed (see Matching Stock/Direct Invoice Totals To Goods Received), the Status of the Purchase Order is updated to 'Invoiced'.


Sales Invoicing Of 'Account' Directs

An 'Account' Direct Sales Order is 'held' on Completion, preventing it from being invoiced automatically. A Despatch Note is generated on Sales Order Completion. As sales invoicing is driven from Despatch Note records, this effectively enables the order to be invoiced, although the actual delivery of the goods is handled by the Supplier.


Despatch Notes may be opened from the Sales Order's Tracking tab or from the Finder - see Finding Despatch Notes. The Status of the Despatch Note following Sales Order Completion, before the Sales Order/Despatch Note has been invoiced, will be 'Printed'.


Note: Picking Notes are not created for Direct Orders.


There are two ways of raising a Sales Invoice for an 'Account' Direct Sales Order:

Note: Any outstanding lines are put onto a new 'Unconfirmed' Despatch Note. Sales Invoices may not be raised against an 'Unconfirmed' Despatch Note.


As with standard 'stock' Sales Orders, the User's ability to invoice Direct Sales Orders is subject to various system flags/settings:

'Cash' Directs And Invoicing After Sales Order Completion

'Cash' Direct Sales Orders are not 'held' on Completion, as is the case with 'Account' Directs. If Customer payment has been taken in full, the Direct Sales Order can be invoiced straight away.


In a typical Cash Direct sale, a Sales Invoice is raised automatically following Completion of the Sales Order and payment by the Customer. Later, after the goods have been delivered by the Supplier and you have received their Purchase Invoice, the Purchase Order will be marked as 'Invoiced' once the Purchase Invoice Registration and matching/line allocation procedure has taken place.


The following describes how a 'Cash' Direct may be invoiced once the Sales Order has been Completed, depending on how your system settings and options are set:


Sales Invoicing Of 'Cash' Directs

A Sales Invoice is raised automatically on Sales Order Completion provided:

Note: If the Customer does not pay in full at the time of Sales Order Completion, the order will not be sales invoiced until later when the Customer pays in full and the User completes the Payment Form. See Cash Sales And Payment.

Note: If Optional Enhancement Price Book 654 is not enabled, a Sales Invoice is not raised automatically on Sales Order Completion and must be raised manually - see Working With Sales Invoices. In this case, at the point after the Sales Order has been Completed and before it has been sales invoiced, the Sales Order will have 'Normal' status and the Despatch Note will have 'Despatched' status.


At Sales Order Completion, the Sales Invoice and Sales Order Acknowledgement Note may be printed - via a specified printer - and issued to the Customer manually, or sent to a specified email address or fax number for the Customer (or saved to disk), depending on the default 'print' destination specified for the document types 'Cash Sales Invoice' and (Sales Order) 'Acknowledgement' in your User record > IO Control Fields tab. For further details see Working With Sales Invoices and Printing A Sales Order Acknowledgement Note.


The Sales Invoice may be opened from the Sales Order's Tracking tab or from the Finder - see Finding Sales Invoices. The Status of the Sales Order will be 'Invoiced' once the Sales Invoice has been raised.


Despatch Notes may be opened from the Sales Order's Tracking tab or from the Finder - see Finding Despatch Notes. The Status of the Despatch Note will be 'Invoiced' once the Sales Invoice has been raised.


Purchase Invoicing Of 'Cash' Directs

Purchase invoicing of 'Cash' Directs works in the same way as for 'Account' Directs - see Purchase Invoicing Of 'Account' Directs. However, with a 'Cash' Direct, while sales invoicing typically takes place immediately following Sales Order Completion as described above, purchase invoicing is not completed until later when you receive the Purchase Invoice from the Supplier and Purchase Invoice Registration takes place. The Purchase Order will be marked as 'Invoiced' once all line totals on the Purchase Invoice have been matched/allocated against the totals on the Purchase Order, so that the Purchase Invoice is marked as Completed - see Matching Stock/Direct Invoice Totals To Goods Received.


When sales invoicing and purchase invoicing has taken place, the 'Cash Direct' Sales Order cycle is complete.


NEXT: Editing Direct Sales Orders