Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Working With Purchase Orders

All stock purchases from suppliers are processed via a Purchase Order.


The procedure for working with 'stock' Purchase Orders is as follows:


1.      Create A New Purchase Order. You may either:

See Creating A New Purchase Order.


Note: Purchase Orders may also be bulk-generated. See Generating Purchase Orders In Bulk.


2.      Enter Header Details. In the header section of the Purchase Order you must enter/select the Supplier and other important details. See Entering Purchase Order Header Details.


Note: At this point you may wish to click the User Defined Fields tab to view User Defined Fields which have been defined for this document type (i.e. Purchase Orders). In the available fields you may enter data, or select from a series of menu options. See Additional Purchasing Document Tabs.


3.      Enter Line Details. Your next step is to specify the products you wish to order. See Adding Product Lines To Purchase Orders.


At this stage you may:


4.      Enter Documentation Details. If necessary you may edit/enter text and instructions on the Purchase Order for the selected supplier. See Entering Documentation Details.


5.      Complete The Purchase Order. This marks the Purchase Order as 'complete'. The Purchase Order is automatically 'printed' on Completion (i.e. printed as a hard copy to give/post to the supplier; emailed or faxed to the supplier; and/or saved to disk, depending on your system settings). See Completing And Printing Purchase Orders.


Note: Depending on how far through the ordering procedure it has progressed, a Purchase Order can be in one of various states (e.g. Printed, Confirmed, Parked etc.). Each Purchase Order also has a particular GRN (Goods Received Note) Status, indicating the delivery status of the goods on the Purchase Order (e.g. No Deliveries, Part Delivered, All Delivered, Cancelled). This information is added to the header fields after the operator has completed the Purchase Order. For further details see Purchase Order Types, States And GRN Status.

Note: After Completion you may optionally add Progress Notes and update the date fields for the Purchase Order or individual lines as part of reviewing Supplier delivery/shipping targets.

Note: After Completion you may wish to review and amend Documentation and/or User Defined Details for the Purchase Order in the available tabs. See Additional Purchasing Document Tabs.


6.      Goods Receipt, Supplier Returns And Purchase Invoice Registration. Completing the Purchase Order initiates the next stage of the purchasing procedure:


All Goods Received Notes, Supplier Return Notes and Purchase Invoices relating to a Purchase Order after Completion may be monitored and opened via the Purchase Order's Tracking tab.


Note: To review the full purchasing procedure see the Purchasing Overview.

Other Types Of Purchase Order

The above procedure relates to Stock Purchase Orders, used to order goods from suppliers, which are the most commonly-used type.


Other types of Purchase Order you may work with are:

See Pre-Allocated, Suggested And Direct Purchase Orders.


NEXT: Creating A New Purchase Order