Quantum VS Help: Sales Desk

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Sales Desk

The following sections describe how to use Quantum VS to handle your business sales.


The main sales document types are:

Overview Of The Sales Procedure

There is a standard procedure for working with all sales document types:

There are many additional options at this stage, including editing/deleting product lines, adding different product types, manipulating prices and discounts, and checking product and stock details. Sales Orders and Credit Notes may be 'parked' prior to Completion. You may convert a Quote to a Sales Order (or vice versa), and also convert a Sales Enquiry to a Quote or Sales Order, both before and after Completion. There are various options for recommending and adding additional products in the form of Auto Add-ons, Top Sellers And Associated Products. It is also possible to specify an alternative Branch for delivery.

The system may be configured to automatically 'print' (i.e. print out, fax, email or save to disk) the sales document on Completion, though there is also the option to 'print' manually. There is the option to add a delivery charge (a Carriage Charge, Premium Delivery Charge or a standard Haulage Charge). After Completion you may cancel the sales document or duplicate it as a new sales document (e.g. as a Sales Order, Quote, Sales Contract or Credit Note). With Sales Orders you may 'hold' the order after Completion - if there is a problem with the order, for instance.


You may retrieve and edit existing sales documents using the Finder and other search features. Sales Orders and Credit Notes are amendable at any point up until a Sales Invoice has been raised. Quotes, Sales Enquiries, Sales Contracts and Standing Orders are amendable at any point.


After The Sales Document Has Been Completed

The procedure after Completion depends on the sales document type you are working with and on your system configuration, but the main tasks are as follows:


Sales Orders: A Sales Order Acknowledgement Note is 'printed' on Completion. After Completion, if it is a Cash sale you will first need to process the Customer's payment. Completing the Sales Order begins the Picking, Delivery and Invoicing procedure. Some or all the required procedures may be automated; for example, a 'retail' environment requiring no warehouse-based picking and despatch will have a 'fast track' set-up whereby the Printing and Confirmation of the Picking Note and the Despatch Note are automated, enabling the order to be invoiced at the point of sale. However, In a 'warehouse' environment a Picking Note will typically be printed manually so that a member of staff can pick the goods in the warehouse and then Confirm the Picking Note. A Despatch Note is created automatically on Picking Note Confirmation. If it is a Delivered sale then the Despatch Note is typically printed manually so that delivery staff can check off goods as they are delivered and then Confirm the Despatch Note. When Picking and Despatch is complete, a Sales Invoice may be raised and issued to the customer. See Completing Sales Orders and Picking, Delivery And Invoicing.


Quotes: After the Quote has been Completed it will be necessary to review unconverted and lapsed Quotes. There is a procedure for Converting them to Sales Orders. Statistics on 'lost' and 'converted' Quote lines are recorded for sales analysis. See Completing And Printing Quotes.


Sales Enquiries: After the Sales Enquiry has been Completed it will be necessary to review unconverted and lapsed Sales Enquiries. There is a procedure for Converting them to Quotes or Sales Orders. Statistics on 'lost' and 'converted' Sales Enquiry lines are recorded for sales analysis. See Completing Sales Enquiries.


Sales Contracts: After Sales Contract Completion it will be necessary to raise Sales Orders for goods the customer is ordering against the Sales Contract. As lines are 'called off' when you copy lines from the Sales Contract to the open Sales Order, the 'Outstanding' fields on the Sales Contract will then be updated so you can see how many more of each product are still to be supplied. See Completing And Printing Sales Contracts and Adding Product Lines From A Sales Contract To A Sales Order.


Standing Orders: After Standing Order Completion it will be necessary to raise Sales Orders for goods the customer is ordering against the Standing Order. When goods have been picked, packed and are ready for delivery you may generate 'Driver Lists' showing the customer addresses and products due for delivery on each Route Round delivery for the specified day/week. See Completing And Printing Standing Orders and Processing Standing Orders After Completion.


Credit Notes: When a Credit Note is Completed, if the customer is returning goods (e.g. because they are damaged) a Collection Note (also known as a Returns Note) is generated by the system to process and confirm the return of goods by the customer. No Collection Note is generated if goods are not being received back into stock (because the Credit Note was issued as an allowance for goods which were damaged or of poor quality, or as a credit for overcharging or short delivery). A Sales Invoice (Credit) may then be raised against the Credit Note and issued to the customer. See Completing And Printing Credit Notes.


There are also Reports and Processes which enable the review and/or deletion of the various sales document types.


Note: Follow the links above for full details on working with each sales document type.


NEXT: Working With Sales Orders