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Sales Desk Reports

Quantum VS enables you to generate the following 'Sales Desk' reports. Click the links for further details:





Use To...

Branch Control Report


Sales totals for a selected period for all or selected Branches. For each order type - Credit Sale/Cash Sale and Delivered/Collected/Direct - the total number of orders, value, GP and Margin are shown. You may select the period to print values for; e.g. for the day, for the  current or next month, or for a given financial period (up to 24 months ago).


Provide a branch-by-branch breakdown of sales for the day, or for a specified month or period.


Customer Price List Report


A list of prices for a specified Customer. There are options to report only on web-enabled and/or stocked products and to include/exclude Forward Prices and/or Special Prices.


Show prices for a specified Customer. The report may be output as a PDF file or as a CSV file, which may be sent to disk, printer, fax and/or email.


Daily Deliveries Report


Sales Orders which have been despatched on a specific day.


Monitor, and get a daily breakdown of, outgoing orders.


Enquiries /  Quotes / Contracts Report


Sales Enquiries, Quotations or Contracts which have been entered onto the system within, or lapsed within, a specified date range.


Get a breakdown of new and/or lapsed Sales Enquiries, Quotes or Sales Contracts. There is the additional option to get a breakdown of Quotes or Sales Enquiries which have been converted. There is the option to focus on a range of Customer accounts, Branches, Sales Reps and/or Staff members, as well as the date range.


Extended Till Analysis Report


All cash received, showing value broken down by payment type (e.g. full payment; deposits), for a selected range of tills, sales orders or customer accounts, either for today or for a specified date.


Get a breakdown of cash received at the till, either for today or for a specified date. Can also show float amounts.


Product League Table Report


A 'league table' showing, for the range of products specified, each product's performance by sales quantity, value and gross profit margin (GPM) by month and year-to-date.


Compare products' performance in terms of sales value, quantity and gross profit margin (GPM) over a specified period.


Product Monthly Sales Report


The Product Monthly Sales report details the number of issues by month across a specified product range, including the average number of issues in the last 12 months. The report also totals the issues per month.


View stock issues/movement per month over a 12-month period in order to compare product performance and spot sales trends.


Pro Forma Report


Outstanding Sales Orders where the Order Status is set to Pro Forma.


List 'Pro Forma' Sales Orders. This is particularly useful when Optional Enhancement - Price Book 384 (Goods Delivered By Other Branches) is active in order to list which Cash Sales Orders need to be 'manually' picked and confirmed.


Route Listing


'Driver Lists' showing the 'Customer Route Round Drop Sequence' for all Route Round deliveries for all outstanding orders included in the report criteria, for a given day or week.


Show all customers and their addresses the driver is required to deliver to on that specific Route Round delivery for that day, based on existing orders. As the driver makes their deliveries, the list can be used as a record of completed deliveries and any further useful notes.


Sales Analysis Period End


A detailed breakdown of sales analysis data.


Report on and also clear down/roll over sales analysis data.


Sales Invoice Report


Sales Invoices and Credit Notes which have been processed between two entered dates, for a selected Branch or Branches. Goods, VAT and Gross totals are displayed for each Sales Invoice/Credit Note, plus Cost and GPM figures.


List Sales Invoices and Credit Notes which have been processed between two entered dates, for a selected Branch or Branches.

Sales Orders Report


Sales orders on the system, either for today or for a specified date range. You may limit the report by order number, customer account number, product/section code, and/or by order type.


Monitor new sales orders on the system and check for errors, omissions etc. It is also possible to see how staff taking sales orders have been manually overriding prices.

Till Analysis Report


The value and number of orders taken at the tills, broken down by payment type (by reading the Till Analysis File).


Get a breakdown of cash received at the till, either for today or for a specified date. Can also show float amounts for specific tills. The report may be output to a connected Till Printer if required.


Works Order List


'Works Order' Sales Orders on the system (within a chosen date range and Works Order range), showing the 'input products' required for picking and despatch.


List the 'input products' required for Works Order picking and despatch (i.e. Kit components used to make up a Kit or raw materials required for processing).



NEXT: Branch Control Report