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The Credit Note Issue And Collection Procedure

The procedure for creating and processing a Credit Note is similar to Sales Orders. The main tasks are as follows:


1.      Create A New Credit Note. Open a new blank Credit Note document on your desktop. See Creating A Credit Note.


Note: Alternatively you may create a new Credit Note by duplicating an existing Sales Order - or another Credit Note - as a Credit Note.


2.      Enter Header Details. Now enter the Credit Note header details, including specifying the Customer. See Entering Credit Note Header Details.


In the Reason field you must enter a reason why the Credit Note is being issued (e.g. the goods were faulty or the Customer was overcharged). The reason is partly selected based on whether or not the Customer will be returning any goods: this defines whether or not a Collection Note is created after the Credit Note is Completed.


In the Despatch Note field you may enter the number of an existing Despatch Note - on which a Sales Invoice has been raised - so that the Product lines are recalled automatically from the Despatch Note.


3.      Enter Line Details. Next you must specify the Product lines the Customer is being offered credit for. One option is to add lines manually, as on a Sales Order. However, the line details will be populated automatically if you referenced an existing Despatch Note in the header; you may wish to amend the line Quantity and Total. See Entering Credit Note Product Lines.


At this stage there are a range of additional procedures you might require, such as editing and/or cancelling Product lines, manually adjusting the Total price/discount and Parking the Credit Note prior to Completion. See Additional Procedures When Adding Product Lines To Credit Notes.


There is the option to view and edit the batch allocation of products on the Credit Note; i.e. where a product being credited is 'batch traceable' and you wish to ensure it is allocated a specific Batch/Serial/Bin number. See Editing Credit Note Batch Allocations.


4.      Review/Enter Details In The Available Sales Document Tabs: A series of additional tabs display within sales documents at an appropriate point within the document's progress.


You may wish to review - and, if necessary, enter - details by selecting the following tabs within the Credit Note:

See Additional Sales Document Tabs.


5.      Review/enter details in the Properties area: When a sales document is open you may use the Properties area - to the right of the screen - to review and edit additional details relating to the current Document, Customer and Product.


This might involve specifying 'Complete Delivery' options, and more.


See Understanding The Properties Area.


6.      Complete And Print The Credit Note. See Completing And Printing Credit Notes.


Note: Manual Credit Note Completion will not be necessary if your system is configured to complete Collect Now and/or Delivered Credit Notes automatically. This is defined by the System Administrator in your user record. See Credit Notes: System Configuration.


After clicking Complete, the Credit Note is closed automatically. You may retrieve it from the Recent Documents section of the Home tab or from the Finder - see Finding Credit Notes.


If you are dealing with an 'Account' customer (and 'Account' is selected in the Payment Type field in the Credit Note header) the refund will be credited to the customer's account. However, if you are dealing with a 'Cash' customer (and/or 'Cash' is selected in the Payment Type field in the Credit Note header) the Payment Form displays on Completion of the Credit Note, in which you must enter payment details; i.e. whether the refund will be given in cash, by credit or debit card, in the form of a Credit Voucher, and/or by some other method. See Cash Credit Notes And Payment.


When you Complete the Credit Note it is automatically printed (e.g. to give/post to the customer), emailed or faxed to the customer, and/or saved to disk, depending on your system settings. You may reprint the Credit Note if necessary.


Note: The Credit Tracking Failed window will display on Completion if you attempt to raise a Credit Note against a Sales Order/Despatch Note for which you have not yet raised a Sales Invoice.


If the Customer account is on hold, or they have reached their credit limit, on Completion you may receive a prompt to input a Credit Authorization Code. See Credit Warning.


After the Credit Note has been Completed you have the option to reprint, hold, cancel, duplicate and edit the Credit Note.


Once a Credit Note has been Completed, the Tracking tab displays: this enables you to view/open all documents relating to the Credit Note after Completion, including Collection Notes and Sales Invoices (Credits). See Credit Notes: Tracking Progress After Completion.


If no goods are to be returned into stock, you may now raise a Sales Invoice Credit - see Issuing A Sales Invoice Credit. If goods are to be returned into stock you must first complete the collection procedure - see Collection Notes And The Collection Procedure below - before you can raise a Sales Invoice Credit.


Note: A Credit Note is still amendable after Completion, up to the point where a Sales Invoice Credit has been issued. See Editing Credit Notes.

Collection Notes And The Collection Procedure

If the Customer is returning goods back into stock and the user has therefore entered a Reason code of a value greater than 1000 in the Credit Note header, a 'Printed' Collection Note is created automatically following Completion of the Credit Note.


Note: No Collection Note is created on Completion of the Credit Note if the Customer is not returning goods into stock.


A Collection Note (also known as a Returns Note) is a statement detailing goods that are being, or have been, returned (or collected). A Collection Note may be used as a checklist by the warehouse manager (or similar), who will check and record the returned items back into the warehouse, recording any variance, before Confirming the Collection Note. This confirms that the goods have been received back into stock.


See Working With Collection Notes.


Note: The Confirmation of Collection Notes may be configured to take place automatically in your environment, based on the credit type (Collected/Delivered). This may be the case in a 'retail' type environment. This is set by the System Administrator in your user record. See Collection Notes: System Configuration.

Issuing A Sales Invoice Credit

You may issue a Sales Invoice Credit when:


Sales Invoices (Credits) are raised by running the Sales Invoice Update process. (Depending on your system configuration you may need to run the Bulk Credit Confirmation process first.) You must then run the Sales Invoice Print process to print the Sales Invoice Credits.


This is the final stage of the procedure for processing a Credit Note. See Issuing A Sales Invoice Credit.


NEXT: Creating A Credit Note