Quantum VS Help: Purchasing

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Entering Supplier Return Note Product Details

After you have entered the header details for the Supplier Return Note and clicked [Tab], your cursor will be focused on the Product Code field of the first Product line (Line 100), ready for you to enter the items you wish to return to the specified Supplier and/or recoup the value of:




At this point:


Important: The Supplier Return Note 'Type' And Available Line Type

The Line Type you may add depends on the 'Type' radio button you selected in the Supplier Return Note header. If you selected:

Entering Product Line Details

For 'Stock' type Supplier Returns, do the following to add a product. On the first available Product line:


1. Enter the Product Code

If you know the Product Code:


If you don't know the Product Code, either:


What If A Window Pops Up When You Add The Product ?


Note: When entering Product lines - i.e. you are returning stock and requesting money back - a warning message will display if there is no physical stock available.

Note: If you are entering a Timber, Sheet Material or Pack product see Adding Timber, Sheet Materials And Pack Products for further details.


2. Enter The Product's Quantity

Once you have entered a Product Code and clicked [Tab], as described above, the cursor is automatically focused on the Quantity field ready for you to enter a quantity. For example:




Enter the Quantity of that item you are returning/obtaining money back for (e.g. 3).


3. Entering A Reason Code

If the Reason Code menu is available on the line you may use it to select the reason for returning (and/or obtaining money back for) the goods. For example, the wrong quantity was delivered, or the goods were damaged or unsuitable (as shown in the example above).


4. Adding Further Product Lines

When you have finished adding the first Product line, click [Return] to add more products using the same method. Repeat the procedure above until you have added all required Product lines.


Note: For further details on the information displayed in each column/field on the Product line see Understanding Purchase Order Product Lines.


Note that:

Entering Other Line Types

You may also enter the following line types (subject to the selected Supplier Return Note 'Type' - see above) using the same method as for Purchase Orders. See:

Note: For 'Value Only' Supplier Returns - see above - you may add Manual lines (to recoup value) and Text lines (for information) only.

Additional Options At Line Entry

At the line entry stage you may wish to:


Performing the above procedures on a Supplier Return Note will be the same as on a Purchase Order. For a list of additional useful procedures which may be relevant at the line-adding stage see Useful Purchase Order Procedures.

When You Have Finished Adding Lines

Once you have finished adding lines you will need to:


Note: For an overview of the supplier return procedure see Working With Supplier Returns. To review the full purchasing procedure see the Purchasing Overview.


NEXT: Editing Supplier Return Note Batch Allocations