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Entering Quote Product Lines

After you have completed the header details for the Quote and clicked [Tab] your cursor will be focused on the Product Code field of the first Product line (Line 100), ready for you to enter the products the Customer wishes to be quoted for.




At this point:


To enter Product lines: use the same procedure as for Sales Orders. See Adding Product Lines.


Note: Click Product Enquiry to view and add previously-ordered products. See Entering Product Lines With Product Enquiry.


Various elements are displayed on the line, allowing access to useful information/facilities. See Understanding Product Lines.

Additional Procedures When Adding Product Lines To Quotes

There are a range of additional procedures which may be necessary or useful when adding Product lines to a Quote:


See Additional Procedures When Adding Product Lines for a full list and further details.

When You Have Finished Adding Lines

Once you have finished adding lines:


You may also Convert a Quote (Completed or non-Completed) to a Sales Order. See Converting A Quote To A Sales Order.


Note: To review the full Quote procedure see Working With Quotes.


NEXT: Completing And Printing Quotes