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Product Batch Traceability Overview

To set up and operate Quantum VS for batch traceability you must do the following:

(1) Set Up Products For Batch Traceability

To set up product 'batch traceability' the System Administrator must enable the appropriate flag in the Product record of each product required to be traceable by its Batch Number, Serial Number and/or Bin Location.


There are three available 'batch traceability' methods. One of the following options must be enabled in the Batch Bin Serial Flag field, in the Issues & Stock tab of the Product record, depending on how the product is to be classified/traced:


Additional fields may be defined in the Product record to apply default settings when the product is booked into stock (see 3).


For further details see Product Batch Traceability System Settings, Entering Stock Details and Creating A New Product Record.


Note: At present product 'batch traceability' is not supported for Length Stock or Pack products. It is supported for all other product types, including Timber and Kit products.

Note: FIFO functionality is not available for products flagged for Batch/Serial Number/Bin Location traceability.

(2) Configure Other System Records For Batch Traceability

As well as setting up Product records for 'batch traceability', the System Administrator will need to configure various system settings in the following records:


For further details see Product Batch Traceability System Settings.

(3) Allocate Batch, Serial And Bin Numbers When Stock Is Booked In On A GRN

When goods flagged for 'batch traceability' (see 1 above) are ordered from a supplier, they must be associated with a Batch Number, Serial Number and/or Bin Location when received into stock on a Goods Received Note (see note below).


When ordered 'batch traceable' goods are 'booked in' on a Goods Received Note, the standard procedure - subject to your pre-defined system settings - is for the goods to be assigned a Batch Number and/or Bin Location and other details automatically by the system, meaning minimal user action is required. However:


Received 'batches' may optionally be assigned a Certificate Number, Sell By Date and Shelf Life Date. It is also possible to hold incoming 'batches' for inspection - and release them as necessary.


Note: Although Batch/Bin/Serial Number details are typically assigned at 'goods in', there is an option to assign these details after the stock has been received; for example, if stock is discovered in your warehouse which was not assigned Batch/Bin/Serial No. See Adding Product Inventory Stock.


For further details see:

(4) Track Batch Stock As It Moves Through The System

A Product Inventory record is created when batch traceable products are allocated a Batch, Serial or Bin number during the 'booking in' procedure - see above - enabling the goods to be tracked through their Batch Number, Serial Number and/or Bin Location.


You may open a Product Inventory record by retrieving it from the Finder, or by retrieving the GRN and clicking View Batches on the product line. You may retrieve and view Product Inventory records for a particular product by retrieving the Product record and selecting the Inventory History tab.


When a Product Inventory record is open you may:


When 'batch traceable' goods are sold and invoiced, this is reflected in the product's Product Inventory records, which can be viewed using the methods described above. You may view details of 'batches' which have been sold (and invoiced) to a particular customer in the Invoiced Batches tab of the Customer record.


For further details see Tracking Batch Traceable Goods.


Note: The Batch Bin Discrepancies report can be used to fix, or simply report on, discrepancies between the stock balances on the Batch Stock record and the stock balances on the Product record, for all products flagged for batch traceability.

(5) Allocation Of Batch/Bin/Serial-Numbered Goods On Sales Documents

When a product flagged for 'batch traceability' is sold, the system allocates the goods - i.e. selects the Batch/Bin/Serial number(s) of the goods to be sold/picked/despatched - automatically.


Note: The Batch Allocation Sequence field, in the Batch Trace tab of the Price Book Flags control record, determines the sequence in which Batch/Bin/Serial-numbered stock is allocated automatically by the system (and presented for user selection) on the following document types.


Most of the time the user will not need to view or edit this batch allocation. The sales document may be Completed/Confirmed in the usual way.


However, users have the option to view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation for a product line on a sales document if they wish, as follows:


Sales Orders

Users may view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by selecting the product line and clicking Shift + [F4]. See Editing Sales Order Batch Allocations.


Picking Notes

Users may view the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by clicking the View Batches link - or edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by clicking the Picked Quantity link - on the product line (when the Picking Note has been 'printed'). See Confirming Lines And Recording Variance On Picking Notes.


Despatch Notes

Users may view the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by clicking the View Batches link - or edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by clicking the Confirmed Quantity link - on the product line (when the Despatch Note has been 'printed'). See Confirming Lines And Recording Variance On Despatch Notes.


Sales Invoices

Users may view the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by clicking the View Batches link on the product line. See Working With Sales Invoices.


The same principle applies when a product flagged for 'batch traceability' is credited and collected back into stock. Users may view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation for a product line as follows:


Credit Notes

Users may view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by selecting the product line and clicking Shift + [F4]. See Editing Credit Note Batch Allocations.


Collection Notes

Users may view the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by clicking the View Batches link - or edit the batch allocation by clicking the Collected Quantity link - on the product line. See Confirming Lines And Recording Variance On Collection Notes.

(6) Allocation Of Batch/Bin/Serial-Numbered Goods On Other Documents

'Batch traceable' products are also allocated automatically by the system, by their Batch/Bin/Serial number, on other documents and records.


Note: As with the sales document types above, the Batch Allocation Sequence field - in the Batch Trace tab of the Price Book Flags control record - determines the sequence in which Batch/Bin/Serial-numbered stock is allocated automatically by the system (and presented for user selection) on the document types listed below.


With some document types (e.g. SRNs; IBT Allocations; IBT Despatches) there is no mandatory requirement to view or edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation made automatically by the system, although there is the option to manually view - and if necessary edit - the allocation should the user wish to do so. With other document types (e.g. IBT Receipts; Kit Make Up/Make Down) user input is required in allocating stock based on its Batch/Serial Number/Bin Location. The following summarises the user's options:


Supplier Return Notes

Users may view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation by selecting the product line and clicking Shift + [F4]. See Editing Supplier Return Note Batch Allocations.


IBTs (Inter Branch Transfers)

Users at the Issuing Branch may view and edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation for a product line at the Allocation and Issue/Despatch stages of the IBT by selecting the product line and clicking Shift + [F4]. See Viewing And Editing IBT Batch Allocations.


Note: There is no facility for users at the Receiving Branch to view or edit the Batch/Bin/Serial Number allocation for a product line at the 'IBT Request' stage.


Any 'batch traceable' goods received via an IBT will retain the Batch/Serial Number assigned when they were first received into stock, while their Bin Number will default to whatever it was at the Issue Branch. The user at the Receiving Branch may view - and, if necessary, edit - this batch allocation, perhaps to receive goods into a different or additional Bin Location and/or mark received goods for inspection. See Recording IBT Receipt Variance And Editing Batch Allocations.



If the Kit Product record has been flagged for 'batch traceability' using the 'Batch Reference' or 'Multi-Bin' methods, you must assign a Batch Reference and/or Bin Location when 'making up' the Kits.


When a Kit includes 'batch traceable' component products, the user must specify the Batch/Serial Number/Bin:


NEXT: Product Batch Traceability System Settings